Friday 10 October 2008

Hari Raya!

Salam to Everyone! J

Indeed I have been absent for quite a while. I just don’t have the heart to blog anymore
L . Oh don’t take me wrong! I LOVE blogging! It’s just that.. I get sort of discouraged when asked to paste some photos in my blog. Again, I love doing that and I know people long to see them but thing is, my laptop goes all fizzy when I try to upload and I get all pressured by that and now, if I think about all those, I am just sooo not bothered to do it anymore!!! LOL. I’m sorry.

So, this forever will be a photo-less blog :P . Pheeeewwwwww~ all that finally said, my heart ishh v. legaaa~ J . Anyways, raya has been a blast! A week with Yum and the rest here, was ofcourse, one of the reunions awaited. Raya is always something I look forward to. Relatives and Families grew closer to each other and I like to see the intimacy.

First day was filled with heartful loads of greetings and loves, a day for only the closed ones to our family. Second day, the family went to Balik Kampung to Temburong and trip to there is always FUN !!! This year, Kaka was the main source of it! Sadly, our trip there only lasted till about 1 since we had to return for fear of the most ugliest Queue seen in Brunei (inda ja??). Third day was the open house, helped here and there and went around to see whether my friends were coming or not... And in the end, I realised I have forgotten to invite half of them. Yes, I know I know, it’s me what! ARGH! Fourth day was the sorrowful day when the siblings
left to KL L and the house, unusually motionless. Then school days began.

I still feel lonely at times but I know that’s normal. I am still quite new. A friend once said, being depressed is what makes you feel lonely and not the fact that you’re alone. Have I been depressed? I may have been. But somehow, I am shadowed by a mask when I am in this school. Hehe.. Well, it was like that during the few first months in MIGS. And now I realised how much I
miss my friends over in KL & Jakarta and how their companies mean alot to me J . I’ve been selfish, always isolating myself and only approach things when I’m that desperate. Human beings are selfish. I hate that.

So anyways, I love going to school, nevertheless :D . And I am going to miss MD after next month. Indeed, I may me quiting this school . Sigh... I hate it that when I start something... I never managed to finish them! It’s a crazy habit! But that’s just natural Me. Lol, great excuse, no!

So yeah, I have been seeking advices from few teachers and friends whether quiting may be the right choice. And majority of them said that I have been wasting my time in this school and will be if I continue to enroll to classes which I have already gone through for the past year! Ahaha, I knew it. So their answers are basically Yes because by June, they would be only completing about 30-40% of the syllabus. So, the teacher said it would be better if I just take tuitions for the rest of the 6 months.

And for few days, I was still roaming around my mind whether the decision to quit is the right one. Antah wah... Sayang jua inda skolah L The environment is already good. Though I may still be in the proccess of adjusting to it, it would be quite a loss to just drop out from it. But!!!! I prioritise my studies before Families/Friends. And I guess, as many have said, quiting would be the right thing.

Sigh~ another leave certificate then! LOL .. but who knows~ I may just change my mind in a week’s time :P That’s why I’m still surveying people’s opinion! Ahahaa.

So yesterdayyy... I went to beraya with my close friend, Afni at the Kampong Ayer. It was AMAZINGGGGGG~ !! I was like a damn tourist and I think it was obvious larr.. looking at my reactions to everything! Ahahaha. First house was her grandparents and then her family’s house and then her ex-classmate and then to some people’s house. Lol, sadly that was about it. Lol, because of Meee being NOT ON TIME, we only got around like 5-6 houses. So sorry, Afni! Even I wasn’t satisfiedddd~ So went to roam Yayasan for a while there. Not much places but found a bookstore. Nyehehe.. And for today, I only raya’ed at Tg. Dula’s house. Yes, I am utterly commited to my studies :P . EXAMS IN 5 DAYS MAN! BAIK JUA SADAR DIRI KAN??? Hehe.

AND OMFG, I HAD THE MOST BIGGEST WAR WITH A LALAT YESTERDAY MORNING!! Long story cut short: It began at 0615am and ended around 0642am and it invovled me in desperate to release the tension on the toilet seat :P and some flapping wings that BzZz BzzZZZz . GAAAAH!

Goodnight Lads & Gents. If I haven’t wish you all Selamat Hari Raya, well..

Selamat Hari Raya,

Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Forgive me of my wrong-doings J

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