Monday 29 September 2008


We have had MARATHONS! WAKEATHONS! AND FOR NOW, me and yum are reviving back our old sessions of what I call STUDATHON!!! (get it?) well, beginning tonight that is or ONLY tonight that is :P .

My first practical exam for Chemistry is in 14 days. And yet, I'm absolutely distracted by EVERYTHING! Maybe it is the fact that I come to Brunei for holidays and never for having to study ETC. Mummy is like "nda payah repeat kali lai .. besides C is good sudah bah tu" . Well well WELLLL, That's not really it. I'm only repeating to occupy my free time (which is till december) and to try and use it to get better grades. And to get rid of this hatred that I still have in me for having to extend my Alevel years for another 6 months, which is supposedly done for 1 and a half years.

Ok , before I forget again.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ANAK MSIA, RASYID MASRAN for that beautiful card of yours. I get very jealous easily when it comes to greeting cards. Very spacious, very.. sparkly. Sigh.. ANYWAYS, My sis really misses you and I get to hear your name everyday AGAIN ! HAHAHAHA. I'm glad that you've taken your role (as one of her guardians :P ) very well indeed. And I haven't had that "sister" talk with you yet:

Macam si Ross, Yum.. "If you ever hurt my sister... I will hunt you down .. and kick your ass" . And then everyone would "Pfffffttttt LMAO" and then Mammy would go "Oh you can kick anyone's asses, dear." haha just like Ross' mum did. GET IT?? GET ITT???? nvm.

Right right, I haven't mentioned, have I? Well, firstly I'm sorry for my absence. I am too busy catching up with my famiy-oriented life. Yes, family-oriented. Why? RAYA IS IN DAYS MAN!! Hohoho. And yes, we're ALLLLL celebrating it in Brunei. How better can it get?!

And those monkeys from KL came back 2 night ago :D . and they have been littering this house with their loud voices that we, ofcourse, have longed for :) . And I'm glad that nothing AT ALL have changed between me & Yum. I know I know.. One day it'll have to be, anyway. She's gotten mature. Well, orang bebf kan!! :P Rasyid! FOREVER GRUDGE ON YOU MAN!! :P .

And and .. we played BUNGA API last night ... some few funny shots by the family but have been failing to load them into computer. Nothing much to blame really except for pure laziness :P . And today, was A LOT of fun! We had family potraits, done at home. It was Kaka & I who suggested the idea because I know that we wont be able to maintain the same condition eternally right? I mean, next year wont be the same as this year, right (eg. those KL monkeys might not be able to raya here)? So whatthehell! TAKE SOME SHOTS laah! :D . And managing the Kids had its difficult moments (ie. Yuna especially :P ) . The theme was purple. Turned out pretty UNIQUE!!

I know, my blog is getting boring with all these words and less pictures. Well, I have my intentions of keeping them public or else, I would have just kept it private to myself. And also, pictures are damn tough to be uploaded. Reasons are such that this new lappie of mine (WHICH I'M LOVING) would go ERGH! whenever pictures are loaded. Nevertheless, my lappie.. i still LOVE. sayang eh .. sayang.

In the near future, I will upload the shots made today. JUST TOO BUSY. I CAN'T EVEN READ BOOKS THAT YUMNI & KAKA HAD BOUGHT FOR ME. EEEE.. and including the one that I have taken from Daddy's Library and even that book that I bought myself. EEE!! BILA TAH KAN BULEH NII!! (nunggu Yumni balik dulu kali :P) The Savage Garden, Gone With The Wind, The Tailor's Daughter & Good Writing.

Capital Scandal pun on break sudah. HUHUHUHHU!!! Bye, K-Dramas.. see you (till Yum has gone back to KL that is :P )

Tadi ada sudah kan di upload gambar.. tapi malas tia. God, the mood to do it just fluctuates rapidly. And sigh.. England have their Rayas tomorrow, whilst Malaysia the next day and Brunei.... the NEXT day?? Hopefully NOT !


trying out those tudungs.. us three sister from L to R: me, Yum, Kaka.

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