Saturday 11 October 2008

Ola! (with a runny nose & a scarred throat)

Today was pretty plain. I finished my classes at 11. That being the advantage I get every Saturday :) and I love bragging about it to this particular person :P . Classes were fine and I think I may actually be leaving. It's pretty sad though.. I've gotten to know more about few people and I've got some offers to join their clubs... like hiking, choir and this environmental thingy (Lupa sajaa bukan nda ingau!!). And I thought of joining it, especially choir and I already told her that I'll be leaving in a month and she was like "Just perform with us for the Cultural Night." and after many arguments between the voices in my head (not penyakit mental tu ah.. it's a matter of conscience really), I decided to agree on it (still a maybe pulang.. REMEMBER THE INDECISIVE ME??). I thought it'd be a good idea to have some memories made and be gone with it! Tapi ada exams kann.. Antah ah.. Grrrh.. atu pun payahh!

Went off to Giant after that. Turned out that one of my friends' father from back in BIS works here as er.. em.. don't know. Haha, but this place is really giant for Brunei and it was my mum's first time .. so she was both amazed and happy that Brunei finally have a version of its own Carrefour! LOL! I mean.. Giants di malaysia is relatively smaller (yg ku parnah liat lahh for the past 3 years!) but carrefour there n in indon is bwaahh, puass~ .. macam ani jua lah. Shopped for a bit and went to fetch Abang's 31st cake.. then HOME sweeettt HOMEEE! antah ah.. lately I'm just so in love with my home.. It's like I get homesick once I'm over 6-7 Km away from it. Sedih inda?? How would I be when I go overseas then?? Duh pijahh.. there's something called ADAPTATION !

Ok, that's it .. I feel like putting few pictures now.. Let's just hope I make till the end :P

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