Thursday 23 October 2008

Chemistry Practical

"Jah.. sihat usulnya jerawat mu atu, jah"

So far no one have commented like that :P . I can imagine them saying it though! HAHAHA kalau ada, abis ku tarik spendednya!!! Tapi er.. they did say other stuff like "Eh bisai eh.. masak jerawatnya aah!" . And yes, another jerawat have established on my face and guess where!! OH YOU KNOW WHERE!!! YES, YUM! THAT IS WHERE!!

Anyways, I was the only LOWER SIX STUDENT today. Ehehe, Cool pulang. I got to talk to the U6 students. Fahim especially. Then there was that Mr. Doodey's friend, Syu'aib. My god, beautiful name right!!!! (respect man... nama nabi, as they say) Hahaha .. nicknamenya syubu tapi .. which er.. haha.. m not a big fan of ;P

Practical Exam was .. uh.. let's just say, HECTIC.

First question was on titration but I wasn't allowed to do that first and I think that's a good thing, cause the Second question was soooo... UNFAMILIAR. Langsung new to me!! Drawing up the boxes for the results were good though ;) I've been worrying most about that and thank god, I got through it!

Results achieved from the second practical was also done well! Woohoo! As in checking for its accuracy was ALL good . tapi the calculation, I assume, was furked up. wait.. lemme just recall banar2... Ah... wait.. not so furked up. Phew But you know.. I can be wrong ;( 'cause practical stuff is reaaaaaaaaaaaally unpredictable.

Third question was slightly crappy but I got the results correctly but the part where we had to work out the chemical properties of the two cations... I think.. i THINK I may have got one part of it wrong. Then they asked..

"A gas is evolved in this reaction:
Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide OR Oxygen.
According to its density, which gas should be approriately tested first and explain the reason to your answer"

At the first 2 minutes, I was panicking like shit. And this was the very time when I dropped the FA5 powder onto my answer paper :( . So the whole thing became VERY VERY messy. So anyways, I finally thought it through and decided to work out each of the gases' density (I assumed that's how we work it out ATLEAST!! haha.. I CAN'T REMEMBER !) . Worked out that Hydrogen is most densed one and the Carbon Dioxide, least densed (that is if my method was even correct!! HAHA) . And after thinking it through over n over, I finally decided to depend on this answer: Since Hydrogen is one with the highest density amongst the three gases, this gas would escape the fastest. Hence, it should be the first one to be tested.

It does sound pretty logical, no? But frankly, I have no idea if that is even true. If it is, I'd name the method "PIJAH PUNYA METHOD" :P . Hopefully it is anyway........ ARGH! Then it was also continued with further box-drawings and identities! EEE~ and I think I got through them well. And... the last part... well yeah, I missed it.

It's a stupid thing to have missed the 3marks question 'cause... it was something that I could have made up so easily even without doing the experiment!! AND I STUPIDLY LEFT THE QUESTION 1 MINUTE PRIOR TO THE END OF EXAM! OH Well, there goes those 3 easy marks!!

First question was titration. Been practising on its sort of question (very common from the past papers) for the whole 2 weeks and I...... screwed it all up. That dissapoints me truly .. I may have got the whole readings correctly. But the calculations bit were all.. furked up. Wait wait.. lemme recall... yep, FURKkkKkkeD Up!

But now thinking all of it thoroughly, I was satisfied with my whole effort and hopefully I'd get atleast better now =) ..well.. despite the fact that my answer sheet is all messy and very dirty from the FA5 powder and also the fact that it nearly got burnt. Imagine if it DID get burn! the whole class would be in a massacre! hahahaha!

I am also very proud of myself that no breaking sound can be heard from my table :P (I always manage to break something during a practical).. Thank God I didn't. I KNOW I'M CLUMSY.

But I did get burnt .. (part of my arm is blackened) by the blue flame at the very end of the experiment. I didn't care if it hurt or not because I was worried about EVERYTHING . hahaha. And now, it leaves another beautiful scar on my arm . WANNA SEE :P However cool it is (GILA KALI).. I still prefer my former scar (from MIGS) caused by the strong Sulphuric Acid which lead to this heart shape on my arm.. I admired it for many weeks :) (CONFIRM GILA ANAK NI HAHAHA)

Right, sorry for the boring crap. It helps me to release tension :) . I am just brainstorming here. So, you know .. dont force yourself to go through all :P hahaha.

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