Friday 17 October 2008

The "Ambung" Me.

if you're HANDSOME and you treat ze women extremely friendly...
you're gonna hurt a lot of them~, seriously.

somehow, i think being "ambung" is just better for you people =/ .

Anyways, despite all that, another criticism had been thrown at me for being "ambung". LOL, it just brought me back to the old days. I remember doing so to Medina ( Miss you girl )= ) back in MIGS . It was a funny phase during when our friendship had yet to grow. I found Lutec already and have gotten to know most of the friends. So, in my heart, I was like "Aahh~ I don't feel like getting to know any newbies laa." And hahahaha~ even though, Meddie sat next to me in Chem class ... I just looked the other way and completely ignored her. Maaf ya med! Kok g bisa judess gitu sihh! Hahahaha~ But in the end, I think it was Lutec who brought us together :P . Miss the moments with you two eg. MAKAN ESKRIM AT THE PRIMARY SECTION, DOING OUR SO CALLED PREFECT DUTY :P :P . Hahahaha~ Can we ever bring those days back again :( ??

And then there goes MAHSA, my college before I left Msia for MD. I saw Hema sitting alone in a class that I was instructed to go into. I put on my friendly mode and started introducing myself to her and chat CHAT chat. Then after 15-30 mins or so, Syu came into the room. And in my heart goes "I've got Hema already. Hmmm, no need to put on my friendly mode to her lah"... and only now I'm saying "WTF WAS WRONG WITH ME??" hahahaa. And then, after 5 months... there was Kat~ whom I totally TOTALLY ignored. WTH??? hahahaa~ I'm so sorry people.

I'll tell you something just to back me up why I'm pretty ambung: I had the worst experiences during primary.. back in Indonesia. I dont want to revive those memories. Other than that, those who are my relatives... I know I'm AWFULLY ambung! Please PLEASE PLEASEEEE, I can't stop it BAH.. I dont know HOW! Hahaha.. there's this one dude who said "err.. just BE friendly" . Pffft. I'll try atleast ... Too nervous saja .. I get all fidgetty. And then, I'd be enountering a thousand of guilts in me heart. Susah eh Susah! :P

I just want to say. I've said this thousand times. I make the WORST out of first impressions, mainly for being sombong/ambung. It's a crazy habit of mine :( but you should all know that, within my heart, I always say "I wish I can start a conversation with you... but I just dont know...... how :( ". But one thing is funny. When I'm friendly, I am known for being TOO friendly that just scare them. ARGH, WHY AM I NOT CONSISTENT, MAN!

I'd stop whining there :P I wanna insert old pictures here. Tapi kan... again.. Hahaha... I'm too frikin' LAZY. And I'm seriously bummed out from my maths exam. So moodku = ARGH. hehehe. But I'm still nice ... dont worry. Alrighty then, I love you all. Missing those in KL! :) . Somehow, memories I have built there aren't enough.

Hahaha another sad tone yea? Antah ah... I still feel out of place sometimes here. Pfft. Normal thing when you're still adapting to it. And tomorrow, there's a school thing at ICC .. and I'm still deciding whether I shall go for it or not. HAHAHA, atu pun! And OMG, I just found somehow who's SOOO like me. We have so many things in common. Hahaha~ it's just amazing bah.

My heart to blog is gradually decreasing. Sigh, I feel bad. Goodnight Lads.

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