Sunday 19 October 2008

I'm such a rajin Blogger.

Why is it that I tend to blog more when Exam approaches?

Did nothing much for the day. I had a great intention to raya at one of my best friends', Nurul Ain. However, I had problems with transportation and also with the fact that a v. V. LAST MINUTE CALL for tuition came up. Pfft. LOL. But atleast, I managed to revise through my STATS. Sorry, Ain.

Mummy & Daddy went to jog at Damuan after that. Knowing nothing of the plan, I wore Baju Kurung. Antah mengapa. Hahaha.. just in the mood, I guess. So, I planned to stroll around and just take few shots of the place. That wouldn't be possible as well. *Sigh, my left foot is temporarily disabled and I don't wanna be seen walking like a CLOWN. So, I just continued my STATS in the car and listened to Bruneian radio, Crystal FM. There was this competition to win the tickets to watch HSM3 at Empire. And I was thinking of taking part since them kids crazed for the movie :D . hehehe. But naaaah, I malas listen to radio :P .

Holding a pen atu kira belajar lah tu... eheh.

And noo.. that's my angan2 look .. not my study look :P ..

My study look = Orang nada mood usulnya :P

Went to CA. Mohd after that. Last time I went here was like 3 weeks ago.. with friends. I ordered the usual thing: Roti Telor :P . But my current addiction now is no more MILO PINK/ICE MILO.. It'sssssssssssssss HORLICK PINK!! OH NYAMM! totally seductive mann! haha.

Anywaysss, I just flicked through Mr. Rare's blog and found his latest post v. important.

The Quran had mentioned that every each one of us have our own flaws. He then continued with a Prophet saying that "Barangsiapa yang menutup aib orang laen, Allah akan menutup aibnya" Whoever covers the flaws of the others will have his or her flaws coverd by Allah. I think what it's saying there is that we should respect the others of their flaws instead of publicising it.


I seriously want to improve myself by working on that. Insyaallah. I have said this once before in my previous blog ... we must accept people's flaws and try to adapt to it. Thank You, Mr. Rare for posting that one up. Good lesson for me :) .

*Sigh.. Three days of holiday is gone now.... Tomorrow, I have many things to do in mind ie. ask series of questions to the HEU. Hmm... I hope I would get some serious answers from them 'cause maybe then I can decide FOR REAL.

To the person who had succesfully made the "SUSHI BOMB" . Congratulations :D .. Just don't ever let that thing come CLOSER than 5 MILES to me. Eyekkhh!

Currently addicted to:


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