Sunday 18 July 2010

Too much blabbering.

cold weathers remind me greatly of Iran. Even though I can't really visualise how the sceneries were like there, I can still remember the feeling of a morning winter, the loneliness and the little innocent life I led with my parents and sometimes, my siblings.

Speaking of family, I really do miss them. Being with friends is definitely not the same especially if you're a family-oriented kind. I can only pray to Allah that they're all fine... especially my two parents. My parents are the two people whom I respect the most. I have been contemplating on what my Ustazah back in high school were saying... and relating it to my whole view of parenting in the way of Islam.

My parents may not be perfect but they're, by far, the best parents I can ever wish for. Everyone should be thankful for the parents who have brought them up. Think about it, they're just like anyone of us and yet the care they share for us, the love they share for us... however hidden they may be, however rare they show it to us, is beyond our knowledge. Only Allah knows. And that makes them even more special and kind as a human being... especially a mother. I've known, by stories, of those kids who have been abused and mis-treated by their parents and I thank Allah that my parents are unlike them, in fact they are far from being those kinds.

Saying all this, I just don't get why people are still giving their parents a hard time when they should instead cherish them and think of the effort that they had put up in bringing us as a child. A commotion or a family dispute is nothing compared to the hardship of a mother... as well as that of a father. Their hardship is not something that we should redeem ourselves to unwillingly... It's just something we should understand.. and appreciate. Being appreciative, I therefore feel obligated to show my love sincerely as a daughter to both my parents and take care of them as they have taken care of me. Giving them headaches would be the last thing I dream of...

Only Allah knows. Although I wasn't so much of an ideal Islamiyat student (in fact, I wasn't one at all!), I still love listening advices from teachers and therefore, people. Hopefully, I can slowly learn more of how to improve as a person. Any suggestions?

I've decided to go for a new image of myself. i feel that it's more comfortable and well, me....-ish, if that makes any sense. i hope that it can bring out a better me, in a way. hope it's not too wierd. it's funny actually... i've been told by few that wearing this kind of tudong would actually suit me better... but I never actually considered their words until yesterday, when I had no black tudong for the practise and opted for Lina's black scarf. Obviously, I fell in love with the style (love would be a great exaggeration though) and decided thence to try wearing scarves.

Today was my first time wearing it to school and it felt mighty comfortable but ofcourse, being a rookie, there had been confidence problems and some minor, very minor, tudong problems. haha. but i'm gonna have to see how it goes on. Yes yes, poor image quality... sorry, this was just taken few minutes ago. and no, my camera phone does not suck! (denial)

Anyways, studies for the day is done... both officially and un! for the rest of the night, it would be me, movies and bed.... and maybe some food. I was thinking about taking my time re-editing the layout of this blog but as you know me, that never happens ;) . hahaha.. maybe, one day. Funny, this morning I actually woke up early for sahur and had some cereals, ones that i've brought from Brunei (koko krunch and honey stars!!!). I thought I was really going to fast until around the mid-day when my stomach ached. I decided to break it by having lunch. Haha, what a waste... but no worries, I have only 4 days left to redeem... maybe tomorrow.
Love Life,
Love Everyone!

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