Sunday 25 July 2010

Shall I just be anti-social then?

God knows what I've been doing with my studies these days. At least the culture night is over. Although everyone screwed up at one point due to the incorrect music queue, I still felt good after performing for the sake of Brunei :) . It ain't easy going up the stage, knowing that others' performances were better yknow but regardless to say, we still did! and very enthusiastic as well as patriotic at that too! :D Thanks to Siah for being a great director and everyone's hardwork. Lol.

My moods have been down lately that it sort of degrades my listening skills... ie. i am being a bad listener nowadays. Thus, most of the time... I just prefer to be alone and be in my own world. I don't like being one of those emo showoff-ers. I just HATE being sympathised especially when people are just trying to desperately get attention from it. I just think that way, it's bloody annoying. Hence, if you see me letting out emotions, it really is not from the intention of wanting some sympathy (like those who does so w/ their facebook..). It'd all be about getting support and advices from y'all.

Yay-yeeeee!!! I finally reoriented the furnitures in my bedroom :DD ! And I'm very much comfortable with the whole thing. Very spacey indeed :) . Then Lem & I planned to try out the Bubble Tea at fiveOnine but turns out, they are one of those businesses that do not run on Sunday. Sad... since we were desperately craving fr a drink like it... we ended up going to Starbux. I had my second round of Green Tea (first time, yesterday) and god knows, I fell in love :) . We planned to study then at the library... turned out it was more like hanging out + a lil bit of studying at the Starbux. Pfft, so much for all the heavy books I was carrying ;( !

Anyways, I just bailed out from the middle of the Formal Dinner event at the dining hall. Couldn't stand the crowd, really. I just want to be alone. Gah, what is WRONG with me! Anti-social(ite) alert! But anyways, it would only be the dessert i am missing and since it's got whisky cream on top of it (cheese cake), that just somewhat puts me to a disgust. We've been given special offer of having fruit salad instead of it tho... still, mood no good + food no good = go skive it!

Me & Mr. Salmon Sedap!

The Hogus (or whatever)

The Capping Sextet! Lots of Love!>

For the appetiser (I suppose), we had something that sounded like Hogus? It's basically the stomach of a sheep that had been spiced up by letting the sheep eat all the stuff they wanna get mixed with it. It was interesting, especially the need to have a Hogus Ceremony prior to having it (w/ Bag pipes and listening to a scottish man story-telling us of the History to Hogus). In the end, I didn't even dare trying it :P .

Anywho, they had some acapella group, The Capping Sextet, performing for us after the rather scrumptious Salmon dinner! And damn, they were really good!!!!! The singing notes were all in tune and the words (however x-rated they are) are funny. The clown costumes they wore just said it all. It must have been my first time watching Acapella live now that I realised it. Saying that, I was very much amazed! :D

Sorry to readers that I'm nt very much entertaining anymore. This blog, as I shall remind everyone once again, is not for the sake of entertaining audiences. I don't really care if there's any, really. Its purpose is more for me ie. getting rid of these words that have been only trapped in my head. i'd just like to record down my days... and for those who are interested, I'm giving them the authority to check it out and for those who aren't... like i bloody care ;)

I love being alone now :) . I guess that's good ey? Atleast I don't have to depend on people's company anymore. Might as well just be anti-social.. woohoo! Oh god, I just farted and it stinks. Seriously, it must be the Salmon. I'm indulging the smell tho. Hmm? Haha.

Love Life,
Love Everyone.

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