Wednesday 28 July 2010

Coooool ^^ !

I can't wait for the night to end :D ! Something special arrives tomorrow... a parcel, more specifically. Something that I bought off TradeMe. I've never bought an item over $100. Honestly, this is the first (hopefully, the last fr the year)... so I knew this one will be worth it because there were no hesitations whatsoever when I decided to buy it. And till now, I'm very much satisfied having to trade with a great dealer. Too early to say that tho because the item will only arrive tmr morning. Geeeee, I'm egggciiiiteeeed :DDD ! hehehehehe...

HUBS Lab was reaaaalllllyyyy gooooood ^__^ !! I was truly fascinated by Allah's creation of the Heart. Who could have been more smarter to create such thing if not Him? Watching my supervisor (who sat next to me) dissecting the heart and pinpointing the structures, it made me think about life generally. The miraculous structures of heart is truly profounding and intelligent, the fact that they are all for a reason. How all these organs function as one really amuse me. Hence, the passion.

The supervisor was saying, "The ridges on the atrial walls are probably made to act as resistance towards the blood flow and hence, giving it the right speed to go thru the heart. But like some other structures, we can't really know for sure of their functions. After all, we did not construct these"

Then who Did, if not us? Who else, if not us, could be intelligent enough to construct each of the specific structures of the Heart and give them their functions in a logical manner? Or Who is it that could be so powerful to even create us, in that matter? Allah Did... Allah. Open our eyes and only then, can we believe.

Haha, yeah... i really enjoyed observing the dissection even tho the stench is unbelievable. =_= but i'm very much satisfied w/ my lab partner :D who's a filipino (w/ a chinese look) descendant but very much, a new zealander at heart.

Btw, this is something new to me... I'm in love with SG Wannabe... again T_T ... And this time, I'm interested in their song, La La La ... which is a really nice, country song. Very jovial, as well. It's actually 2 years old and to be fair, I've only gotten back my interest a month or so ago so yeah, i've been VERY outdated indeed.

Anyways, after listening to the song, I came across its MV (Music Video) and was so surprised to have seen it themed as horror. Have you actuallllllllyyyyyyy seeen an MV that is of a typical asian ghost story???? And a joyful song, for that matter?? Handal tah banaa urg korea ani. I wondered why they couldn't just make the MV into a movie instead :S .. Wierd ey. But I guess, it's not bad. The MV actually consisted of two songs, the other one being M to M's 엠투엠. I'm not sure of the title bt check it out!

Part 1

Part 2

I think I should start studying now. a test that comprises of 5% will take place in the next 2 weeks. I'm no no no no ready T_ T absolutely no no.

Must. stop. being.. a... blooody.... BUUUUMMM!!!!

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