Friday 30 July 2010

International Ball :)

Me & Cumby Girls :)

Ka Amal & I

Shiou Yii,

Ma date for the night :P

The international ball went awesome. I was just so relaxed during the course of it. However, there were times when my mood went a little down. The food is so damn good tho... That, as well as many other things! So I don't think I'll ever regret attending it. Thx Sasa for making me come. LOL, thx as well for being my hot date babe ;)

I have to say, it was such a sad day tho... more like an unfortunate day actually. I lost two valuable things that I am still depressed about until now :( . First, the necklace that I bought for $20 which was actually intended to be worn during the ball (but never had the chance to). I seriously felt like swearing my arse off but I know swearing puts me to nowhere.

Second, my most favourite small green-tea coloured water bottle.... that I bought in Brunei few weeks ago w/ my brothers, Bg Ham & Bg Man. I was so determined to find it at the StDavids with the help of this lovely Campus Watch . He had to find the keys to it first tho. Kesian lah, susah2. He was v helpful indeed and was willing to even contact his friends to look it through at the Lost and Found area. How kind of him :') ... I mean, it's just a bottle and to put him into so much trouble meant alot to me, especially since it's my Cynthia (the bottle). Haih, I am so clumsy... it's already silly enough to be naming it. Haha.

I just can't be any more remorseful about this. I lost, yet again, another bottle. I seriously thought I wouldn't ye know. I seriously trusted myself. But now I get it, whatever lah Jah... you'll never change. When will your clumsiness end? Seriously... it's taking everything away from me. My reputation.... My health, most importantly. Lol, I just feel bad about myself. It already caused enough accidents to myself. What a life. What a life.

July 2010 is to be remembered. The month I shall tag as the one filled with a lot of unfotunate events. Never mind :) one month does not account my whole life. Hahaa, come on Jah! Your life is, has and WILL be filled w/ happiness and success! OH YESH! SEMANGAAAATTTT !!!! Besides, you're only 19 for god's sake! So stop being a Drama Queen.

It is the last day of July! Make IT the last day of being an idiotic BUM, full of excuses.

Enough is enough. Enough trying to sleep in your whole day! Let's change our lifestyle and be more enthusiastic in everything! Forget every sadness and BE HAPPY, LIKE THE OLD SINCERED CHEERFUL FAEZAH ! STOP AVOIDING LIFE BY SLEEPING YOUR HEAD OFF !!! BECAUSE YOU KNOW THAT WILL NOT HELP ANYTHING ABOUT YOURSELF. BESIDES, YOU HAVE STUDIES TO GO THRU SO COME ON! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, STOP PRETENDING ABOUT BEING HAPPY. it only makes you feel worst. Have you not realised? Idiot. Today's the last day. No more excuses! Let's change... and make August the best month of the year especially since puasa is approaching! WOOOHOOOO!

Love Life!
Love Everyone!
Everyone Indeed =) !

PS. Regarding the Int'l Ball, I'd also like to add in the fact that...... I may be growing some feelings towards someone :P:P .. hahaaa ahaa hahaa ahoo agaa haahaao *laughs uncontrollably* (the one that Lem finds, as i put it in her words, BIDA & HANTAP... kurang asam, kwn diucapnya bida, hantap.. sampai hatinya) what the hell am i saying like a teenage-school girl for. Pffft. Silly girl th banaa.

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