Sunday 30 November 2008

A good beginning!

Aight, so today's the second day of my beautiful holiday & right now, I'm staining Yum's laptop with my pretty fingers clicking the keyboard for me blog ;) . My laptop is currently resting bahh... from a v. tiring 20 hours of being awake! ehehe.. i was eager to finish off my download, [rec] , the original version of Quarantine. It's spanish! :D and they say it's scarier than Quarantine. A much greater version. But words are words and I shall judge it with my own two eyes (which will be closed if necessary :P). IT'S WORTH A WATCH, GUYS. macam resident evil wah.. tapi ani automatically controlled so u need not control the characters! and so ye kno, u can just sit back & watch........... which is in a way, scarier. hahaha... but you'd go "YOU STUPID EFFING B$#CH!!", cursing & cursing & cursing & cursing.... *YAWN*

anyways, yesterday was a fully relaxing day. I finally got to watch a lil something with Yum .. 'Schindler's List', which nearly killed me when the downloading kept fluctuating like hell... but as usual, I'm a calm person :P ... just gave in my patience for 4 days of its download.. even tho it could have been over in a day... oh yes, it was really testing me... oh yes i was patient... oh i so was.... anyway, the whole thing was worth it.. cause watching Schindler's List led me to shed a thousand tears. Touching as ever, it deserved that 7 oscars it brought back home!

Ahh.. yesetrday, my dad also wanted to bring us to Tasik Beribun (atleast i think that's what it's called). it was a long drive... 45 minutes approximately. but it gave me a good time to rest my eyes out from the previous tiring day. Hmm~ altho... we never reached it. 'cause the road leading to it was blocked by flood. So, we just turned back and had another 45 minutes journey. LOL.. atleast we were OUT right! :D ... and mami & dadi were enjoying some classic music in the radio, chitchattin as well throughout the journey. Dadi put in an effort to introduce us to each places tho i was already half-asleep.

OMG, THERE WAS AN INCIDENT BEFORE THAT. We were actually eating in a restaurant when we decided to go off to Tasik Beribun. And during our last minute, yum decided to have Horlick Shake ... and so when it came, I helped in to finish it :P ... i did complain a few times of how it tasted different from the usual.... and when we reached the bottom of the big mug... i was sucking, with the straw, something hard and i tried to play with the thing and when i decided to search through what it was..... *bam* i was soooooooooo SHOCKED to have discovered that the little thing i've been sucking and playing was.... THE CERAMIC TILE OF THE RESTAURANT'S WALL.. a broken part of it... eeeee~ i was 100% certain. EVERYONE WOULD HAVE BEEN AS WELL!

i wanted to barf 'cause i could feel the wierd taste sticking between my throat. even yum was sickened! eeeeee~ so we just left on the spot, thinking nothing else but to leave the place. Hahaha. but seriously, disgusting man .. n i talked to myself of what its little effect can be, in terms of chemistry i mean :P . gila gila.

i'm sure abg aiman would find something coincidence to this whole thing. tapi NO WAY, I'M NOT GIVING ANY HINTS TO HIM :PPP . ehehe.

Today, I just woke up early ... ehem specifically at 11 ehem .. to find out that I have broken a promise I made with mum :'( . I promised that I'd go with her arah Tg. Ghani sebalah to see his new cucu. She called anyway.. and expressed her dissapointment v. well and asked me to come immediately. so i did, with no hesitation. and turned out to be quite exciting :D .. had a.. ehem.. breakfast whilst chitchatting with the relatives including Ka Nurul. then watched the lil baby get shaved. it was a heart-gripping sight, really ... but i had to be calm ofcourse 'cause i know i'm gna see alot more worse than this in my future.

Alright, it's been relaxing. and i've got my blogging mood back already :DDD . ehehe.. so as ever, no pictures :PP. ah yeah, i have a class to attend to in an hour so better go start off the preparation.

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