Monday 10 November 2008

A Productive Day.

I love school days. Because during these days, I don't have the obligations to go for a rather unhealthy diet i.e. trying to starve and end up consuming excessively. HAHAHA. Today was a happy day tho. I don't know why but god, let it be. The morning was pretty dreadful tho. I slept at around 1am. And I was pretty tired 'cause I only got back home at 8pm "-___- (was out for 9 hours). Though what caused me to sleep that late is the book that I am no longer prohibited to read :D !! YES, THE BOOK IS MURDERING ME SLOWLY YET LOVINGLY!! haha.. THANX THANX THANX, YUM! And I am an early-sleeper, mind you. LOL, plus it was a very tiring day so the morning, you can imagine how my eyes were quite swollen.

Not only that... I also got a nose-bleed in the library, red spots spread across my notebook. There were few who tried to help me... but I gave them an unappreciative look that made them crawl away. I am sorry. I guess it's because I don't have the slightest clue who you are! hahaha. Afni helped, anyway. THANKS SYG! :) Haha. Another pack of spots at my uniforms. And you know what that is. And yes, it was embarassing :( .

Another thing that made my day is the iPOD that I finally managed to turn on! WoHoOo! I love you, iPOD. It released all the tension from studying P3 maths... Complex numbers are full of *toot*... a bloody killer! I mean god, I bet the mathematicians must have been deadly BORED when they invented this. They couldn't get more equations out of the real numbers so they started to give the society numbers they have IMAGINED .. most specifically i . But it's all utterly intelligent however complicated/annoying it is. So I give in to ... and hell, it's the only way I can ace the topic right? I do still, AT TIMES, see no point of doing it. AT TIMES, tho. Optimism is of an essence, my friend.

I only attended one class ie. Maths. OBVIOUSLY, I've been doing more of these than Chemistry when I have chem exam the next week >___< . I don't know. I'm falling in love with P3. It's crazy and I get headaches from it but it's all..... fun. HAHAHAHA .. mad! i know.

So anyways, went to watch Quantum of Solace for a brief 3 hours. It was pretty an aww how Nisa couldn't make it. *Sigh :( . Looking forward to the holiday then. Anyways, went back to school to study further which i was happily doing! What is up with the joyous mood, I wonder! Normally I'd whine alot while revising the necessities. Again... I assume it's the iPOD! THANK YOU FOR WORKING, LOVE and the movie really disposed all the stress/problems that I've been handling. Aaaah...
It's 8.30 and I'm still wearing my socks + uniform. Just returned from Abbas. Hehe, he KNOWS my name! It's silly but he knows my name!! And no, not in that kind of 'ohilovehimheknowsmynameee..aaaaahe'ssohot..aaaa' . PLEASE! He's 50+! and yes, he knows my name! hahaha. I just get the impression that some people forget my name easily. *Sigh... please don't so.

I'm off to another read. Hope I won't have to campout late again tonight. Pray, let that nt happen. Tomorow is another long day. I just hope I'd accept it as joyfully as I have today :) .

A2 in another 6 months. Not as crazy as it was in KL tho :) . Love my life. Love yours!

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