Sunday 30 November 2008


those two have officially named my laptop Hemiphtera *sukahati lagi tu! haha*... but I don't know .. I guess I'll agree to it but NOT 100% tho. I mean... why Hemiphtera?? it's like........ er... cleopetra??!!? hahhaha so why? why? wHYyy?? it's unique tho.

i've been deciding on its name for weeks no! cause i've always liked the sound sera (named by andoc) on yum's laptop... macam masuk brabis bah! hahaha so i've been trying to find the correct one for my laptop. so hemiphtera.... hmm.... not sure aa~ macam not right bah. if u can suggest any other names for the moment tho, i think that'd be great :D .

Below are just a long summary of what I did yesterday. *LOL*
No Pictures ... sorry, malas bah :((( . hehehe.

yesterday was prolly the most tiring day i've been through for the month. Went to school in the morning. I didn't plan to actually.. but Ana txted me the night before askin if i'd come... then she said she's coming 'cause it's the last day. And i realised then how stupid it'd be if i were not to come... i mean, last day at MD kan ?? tho it's been only for 3 months, it's given me thousands of memories already. so i came... tapi with hardly any respect to the dressing code! everyone were to wear skulah's tudung and sport pants .. and i WORE tudung bebas w/ my JEANS on! aaaaah, mmbari maluuu. but atleast, i didn't get any scoldings.

was with Ana the whole time. and I kno i really am gonna miss her, my BE partner :( . she was one of the three people who approached me first and need not any approachings. she's always been opened and a fun one to talk to :D . after the whole aerobics which was funny in a way, we skipped the whole cleaning campaign and decided to head off to the mall as we gave up waiting for her mum. si ana di sana menyampaikan atu nya saja pulang .. :P .. then we headed off to McD, dangani she makan .. and i only had about an hour and 15 minutes by then to meet Rick.

So we talked and talked and then, got interfered by Mess, the gay partner of Fakhri :P (well atleast that's how we met. haha). banar.. smua kan besharing ani wa. My english went suddenly broken when he came, prolly cause i had to adjust my language to malay when i talked to Ana. there are random times when i can go bi-lingual and rest as mono-lingual :PP. anyways, when i parted from ana, i was pretty sad that i din express my farewell well... 'cause.. well... as you all know... i suck at farewells ;( . i'll just sms her, i guess...

went to hav lunch at Wecan where ze envelope was given :) . by this time, ofcourse, my english went at its usual condition already ... hahaha.. and i had nasi goreng daging with the ice blended chocolate rick introduced me to. btw, Wecan is truly a place worth recommending. It has the cuisine of a typical restuarant but something more. The proportion of its quantity is ALOT compared to its cheap prize. and the thing about this place... is that it's hidden. and i think they did that intentionally ... because really, it's quite a haven there. the theme of its restaurant is traditional and its eating places are varied. it's all....... v. unique. So you all should try. Thanks Rick :) .

Jess came then at around 2pm and we just hung out infront of the cineplex. met dozens of MDians ... last day kan.. duh. hehe. and then i was introduced to the other people who joined ie. Joven aka John and Victor. Since Victor joined v. last minute ... he had to take a seat alone 2 rows behind us... and believe me, thank god it wasn't me. reason: THE MOVIE WAS SOOOOO DAMN SCARY. seriously i've never screamed so much in a cinema before. it was 'Quarantine' btw. and seriously the whole effects it made .. and how it felt so real just scared the sh*t out of me and plus, i was imagining the whole time if i were in their shoes. OUTCOME = rick is afraid of me; i think joven was impressed by my screamings :P; jess needs to get a new jacket. hahaha.. nadawaa.. but i did pull grabbed/pulled her jacket the whole time. so sorry guys ;) .

it was fun tho when we kept like asking ourselves "what if the whole MALL is 'quarantin'-ed???" and jess kept going "shut up shut up shut up" hahaha. but it is a wonder, what if we were to be in their shoes. nanguzubillah...

we headed then to the arcades. tried out the basketball thingy. rick scored quite high (OFCOURSE!!)... me & jess only landed to a 37. SHE SUCKS, NOT ME!!! :PPP nada waa, ofcourse, i was the cause hahaha. and sadly, i still have tokens in my bag *darn! forgot to use 'em* ... the rest wanted to watch madagascar again 'cept fr Rick so they booked it. went to wecan again and waited to be picked up as they had their dinners. my aunty came and that was the end of the long day.

summarising it all is already tiring hehe. overall, they were such a pleasant group to hang out with. jess was the one who wanted it all. LOL, glad that i'd be seeing her next year ;)) . and it was also nice to have gotten to know more MD-ians eg. Joven who looked extremely like a malay LOL.

The suckiest thing is that I couldn't find Kimah!!! my dear chem partner! I OWE HER $5 for her lovely 'pudding'. Eeee~ cana ni aah!! I wont have the ease to see her anymore since she's staying!! X( .. maybe i'll hand it to rick kali? *sighh* .. gna miss her, neway.

It was definitely a good day out. i consider it a celebration to the last day at MD tho I wasn't completely satisfied to have not given proper farewells to some. but it was still good for the beginning of my first ONE MONTH HOLIDAY since ALEVELs STARTED (A YEAR & HALF AGO)!! time to get my mind all relaxed yo!

read the envelope after the night and was v. v. v. touched by it. Thank You :'))


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