Thursday 3 June 2010

Updating slightly

the clock says 10:04pm.... and still wide awake. i've been trying to sleep for the past 30 minutes but failed to do so due to noise pollution. but oh well... tomorrow is the last day of lectures and today, most of them have already ceased anyway. hence, the celebration going on. gahh~

Anywayss, I have to say.... the most saddest "farewell" lecture (even though 60% of it still comprised of examinable materials) just had to be CELS 191. Its been fun to get to know an interesting lecturer, John T. (who prefers to be called as John Dot due to a rather funny reason) who had taught us for only a week or so. His ways of teaching were so unique and eye-catching that it is impossible for him to NOT understand how short a human being's attention span can be. And for that, I NEVER slept in his classes... at all. And THAT, in Faezah's world, is considered AMAZING. Haha, seriously, It would have been a waste to do so and miss all his acts! As amazing as he sounds, he also discovered a type of bacteria (the good one) that lives in our mouth that can neutralise any pathogens trying to replicate in there and now, they are selling these bacteria in store to protect children especially from getting sick so easily! Amazing ey???

He also believes in BLIS and thus, he is also called as the BLIS Man. BLIS is a belief of, basically, staying away from any micro-organisms BEFORE getting sick and NOT acting only after when you are invaded by them. I have to say, I think I have been subconciously inspired by the BLIS, proven my extra-carefulness and fear in making any contact with these microbes.

Hence, I find him so cool even though I JUST knew him... that... I became emotional when we all learnt today was his last day and that we were in his last lecture at Otago... after 30 years of lecturing. And at the end of the lecture, it was rare to hear the people cheering that remained more than usual :) .. Definitely gonna miss such a great inspirational old man. Can he be my grandpa, please! :P

And that said, I managed to get his autographs!! :DD which were basically just the stamps of his discovered bacteria that he gave at the end. HEE :D I tell ya, I thought the crowd was about to swallow me when I fought for it. And yea, I also squeaked out a tiny "Thank you very much for everything". Tiny 'cause the crowd totally dissolved my voice and ok fine, I didn't have the guts to actually raise my voice to a celebrity/an elderly man. :P

Oooh, interesting as well how Dr. Frank G. was also spotted sitting at the back of the lecture. He is also another elderly wise lecturer whom I adore to have as a grandpa. A co-incidence how they both have been here for 30 years and I am almost sure that they are good friends and that he was there to support his friend in his last lecture :) .. I love them two :))

Okay, lectures done... except for chem and physics lab tomorrow night. despite those two.... i welcome you, the two weeks... of exam fever..


Love Life,
Love Everyone!

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