Friday 11 June 2010



Exam session has started. I don't know if i actually care a great deal about it... but i do have these thoughts of having to finish everything only few hours before each of them begins. it daunts me, really. And yesterday's HUBS paper was not bad at all, Alhamdulillah. I totally over-reacted i think... but cool, atleast it contributed alot with the last-minute preparation. lol.

On a side note, we all received our english test result yesterday. Most of the others passed and I failed mine. Haha... you cannot belieeevee how depressing it was to hear such news, considering the fact I had never failed in the subject my whoooole life. My friends were saying how the inviligators had already warned about hand-writings and all...

The truth is, I under-estimated the paper when I sat inside the hall prior to the exam. Heck, none of us knew how the paper would be like anyway so I was almost sure that it would be as easy as shopping but then came the paper and after few moments of day-dreaming... I looked around and realised that everyone's heads were already into the papers. I straight away started mine ... and I took my time for a while until I realised that there was a time limit ... 10 minutes for answering a comprehension based on a page long of texts! and so on for the rest!

And from then till the end, I answered every questions... but with the crappiest handwriting I could ever own. To begin with, I already have the "most" cursive writing that only few people can comprehend. Even a lot of teachers had to come to me and ask what on earth my writing actually meant. Some even adviced me to change it before the ALevel Exams... but the thing is.... it ain't that easy. I love my writing.. They're so darn easy for me to write and read (most of the time anyway). So I think they're fine........ I mean, if there wasn't any time limit going on "-__-

I learnt my lesson. Over-confidence can never lead you to any good. Being confidence is already enough. And like what had been taught by Islam, there's always a Hikmah behind every failure. And that gives no exception to mine. For failing the English Test, I am to join an English course for my next semester. having a little doubt of not dreading it, i am still pretty sure that this course will bring something good :)

However it will go, that ought to teach my cocky self some lessons atleast.

Love Life,
Love Everyone.

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