Sunday 6 June 2010

halal food


exams are just around the corner and here i am, blogging! well done jah! :DD .. aa come on, might as well just give myself a break. if you think about it... exams aren't reaaaally THAT much around the corner, it's still 5 days away which is equivalent to 120 hours which is basically round about 7000 minutes. and subtracting away my eye-shutting time + day dreaming, that would give me about 75 hours... and maybe if i subtract another 4 hours fr each day.. i'd get about 50 hours left to study HUBS and the others. so it IS around the corner. now i'm panicking :(

what have i been doing for the past few days???? gaaah~ i can't really remember much but i know i have done a whole lot of day-dreaming. studies? i SERIOUSLY don't know. maybe it's because i'm on a break that makes my head to refuse giving answers on any questions regarding so. therefore, must stop bringing up about studies!

my friends and i have been doubtful of the food served in our college. i have been wondering for the past few months: what exactly is their definition of 'halal'? them being the kiwis.

my guess is that according to them, halal is defined as religiously acceptable ingredients including meats that are legally done by muslim butchers. that would be the general view of what halal really is. but in reality, there is more context to such restriction. halal isn't just about ingredients! halal is also about the food that may have come in contact with non-halal ones.

for example, what cooking utensils have they been using to cook for our halal food? yes, when we put our roast chicken on our plates, there were also pork and other non-halal food next to these chickens and yes, it's clearly obvious that they were in no contact whatsoever.
but think about the backstage: how were these meats cooked? did they use the same pan when they cooked pork the next time they use it for chicken?

it is a must that once our utensils have come in contact with a non-halal meat, we must rinse it away with soil and water. and i doubt that the kitchen staff have actually been doing this. my friend also had doubts about the dishes we have been using. they have also come in contact by students who have been eating pork and what not... and did they actually wash it with soil after that? i doubt that.

hence, i've been trying to stay away from the food served but there were times when i try to rid of my suspicions by going down and eat to relief my hunger. Astaghfirullah. later then, i would feel bad about myself. ofcourse lately, i've been using my own container/bowl and will try to do it everytime insyaAllah. Somehow, I'm just disgusted every time I think more and more of it.

Maybe I should stop stalling about making an appointment with Dr. Brunton. As a group, we have planned to go see him and express our doubts of the food and being our care-taker, i'm pretty sure he would help us deal with it as he had promised us with anything.

Saying stuff doesn't really help much, Jah. Action does. So A, stop stalling! B, stop feeling bad about yourself and complain complain complain! C, it would only make a difference if you start acting!!!!

ALRIGHTOOO~ and will, I shall !!!! :D InsyaAllah

back to study.... if i'm not tired............................ or bored of it.

Love Life,
Love Everyone!

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