Friday 12 September 2008

The Stranger.

Yes people. I have ze cocky pox. Well better now than later, yeah? All these pus are annoying and I have been suffering, itching here and there with all the pain. I just had my chemistry exam, anyway. And it was an okay lah. I have not much words to describe it but overall, it was a good effort :) . I do regret slightly though … such consequences of going (when I’m seriously not supposed to!) are headaches, fever & pain. Time to eat ze medicine.

I am currently in the car, waiting for my parents to finish buying their goods. How lucky it is to have my lappie with me! Before Dad left the car, he recommended me this book called “The Stranger”, a short story that took me less than 30 minutes to read.

Hmm… it is absolutely freaky if you understand the whole of it.

Anna, the assistant of the “stranger” David Slatin (such cool name!), had been utterly curious as to why the special customers of David leave the shop with good fortune yet with a rather gloomy expression. Examples are Miss Greta Gordon, a rather popular film star who became the biggest hit; Mr. Arthur Riseman who was a vice chairman that had made him a chairman when there was an airplane crash which killed the former chairman; Mr. Mike Baisley who was a footballer and led him to score many goal due to the injury the goalkeeper had to bear etc.

The ending was not clear as to how David had helped them this way but a believer like me could grasp it well. Hoho…… he obviously (to me) used black-magic. One of those super-natural people you know?? And yes, they do exist and David Slatin, as unfortunately good-looking man he is, is one. This was discovered when Anna found airplanes (which represented the airplane crash); a doll (which represented the goalkeeper); money (which represented Greta’s fortune). Voodoo kan???

Oh yes, along the story… Anna came to develop feelings towards David and vice versa. And in the end, after Anna discovered these “toys” of his, David begged her to marry him and give him “children” who can inherit these powers.

And to how much did he love her? Well… Anna escaped that place from David’s pleading and reached home feeling ill for days that even doctors couldn’t treat her. She couldn’t even speak to anyone. One day then… the villagers discovered David’s shop “The Corner Shop” to be in fire with him being displayed at the second floor, laughing madly. And it was not only his body that was found dead that minute……….. Anna’s was found... as well. Isn’t this a pleasant story?? :P

Yes, as much as I can interpret it… 1) Anna was bewitched ill and unspeakable so that she would tell no one (especially her fiancĂ©e) about David’s little secret. 2) David was willing to “use” his body as the voodoo toy for Anna so that they both may die and live in the life hereafter together forever. Hahahaha… I don’t know if Anna would be much keen to that but I guess, since David sounds charming, I would murder her the second time if she turned this offer of his down. Hohoho.. she doesn’t have a choice anyway :P .. she died sudah, what? Oh how cruel of me!!

So yes, both main characters died and left the whole villagers with great dismay and questions. And yes, that is how much David loved Anna … like Romeo & Juliet rather. Well…. Except that this Juliet was quite reluctant :P .

Sigh… freaky kan? in a way, romantically unpleasant... hahahahaha… hoho..

Ok, I’m currently addicted to Vic’s and Barbie’s duet song of “Rang Wo Ai Ni”. How a wonderful couple could break up when they’re so perfectly suited for one another. Sigh… what a disappointment!

MY KL-IAN STUFF HAS ARRIVED, yum!! FIRST THING TO GRAB = BOOKS. Bye-bye Yum. And don’t be shocked by my “freckled face”.
Dayana cakap bye2.. “boboi”

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