Monday 8 September 2008

Qualifying Examinations

Ok dear blog.. do let me whine for few minutes here.
Yekkhhh.. I HATE MOCKS! or whatever you wish to call it! Thank god I'm over with the important ones ie. Chem & Maths, excluding P3 chen. And tomorow, I shall deal with EAS.. subconciously. Hahaha. point is.. NOT BOTHERED.

Weeeee~ m watching Austin Powers, the classic!! :DD someone reminded me of it! Hoho. So BRB k. (I'm seriously doing a lot of things right now haha).

Ok back. I had to stop cause my nieces arrived and it would be very inapproriate to play it infront of them. :P duh.. oh, behavee~ hahaha.

Ok, i need Yum. i NEED Yum or Kaka !! STUPID CATS WONT GET OFF OUR HOME.. ARGH! Kenapa kan tu? And I made a stupid stunt just now.. (ye know .. trying to be the Super Bungsu :P ) and in the end, i only managed to make a clown out of myself when the cat couldn't care less of the shoes I kept throwing at it. Instead, it grew nearer and nearer to me that I screamed and ran away. PFFT. what a hero! :D

"Su Pijah nda kan ngambil kah slipar2 yg su pijah buang?"
"Erm.. karang tah lai.. err..ada kucing.."

Yes, I'm a girl. I acknowledge my cowardice and I am not ashamed of it. I got no balls, after all.

And one thing that's killing me. DRAMAS. they come back to haunt me. It was better when I'm outdated. And now... though I still am, my eyes are on Honey & Clover.. MARS & Taiwanese Meteor Garden.. Hahaha.. MG is 'cause I wanna bring those enlightening moments back; MARS 'cause I've never really watched it; H&C 'cause its songs drew me to watch it and .. uhh.. i guess back to the jdorama days.... ISSSSHHH.

You know what .. I think I want to withdraw from repeating my maths AS. I should have thought it through. From the exams I did today, it was hardly an A! and ARH?? I'm aiming for an A?? Everyone was right... B is always fine. so why bother to repeat? AHHHHHHHHHHHH! CONTRADICTING THOUGHTS.

Ok, I'm out of stories. I better be prepared for EAS tomorow. Huhu. Exams, my eternal enemies. Oh yes, dayana is already having chickpox... me & dina left to go. Hix hix .. let's just hope I'd get it before tomorow.....or after (in time to skip Chem's P3 :P).

Erm erm.. 2 weeks 5 days to go for the entire family's reunion wow.. it's like 2 more mondays to spend through and you'll be here! HEHE. Yay Yay.

"Su Pijah... kenapa nada antioni disini?"

You know what just hit me, Yum. I dont think we'll ever be as close as we used to be. as in.. you know.. 24 hours side by side :( . And I only got to realise it now. It's like ... I've always thought that this separation is just a case of momentary... a temporary thing. But no, that was it.. our days in KL were the last days we live together.

'Cause.. think about it... you're only gonna be here for holidays .. At most pun 1 month! and if i am to leave Brunei next year, then my thinking is right... our KL days were the last... kan?? Sigh.. To tell you the truth.. there are times when I still feel lonely (banar jua tu haha 24 hours bedangan saja oleh kwkw). But thanks to Kaka n the others. Without them here... I dont know how I can live! ARGH, BUCKLE UP.. ONE DAY.. ITS GONNA BE ME ALL ALONE!!! SO, STOP WHINING, MAN!! hehee.

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