Wednesday 30 June 2010

Over the clouds.

Is it truly impossible to be getting into both adventures at the same time? oh i'm sorry, by adventures, i mean stories. i'm sure a lot of you would know that by now.

i haven't been doing much for the past holiday. i've been watching dramas most of the time. unfortunately, i've finally finished watching QSD. it's such a sad case because it was a damn good 62 hours of my hol. i was at peace everytime i watch it, really gets rid of the depression.

i like being dragged into the past and live with the heroes and obstacles they encounter. it sort of puts me to rest and somehow gives me faith in life as my worries are nothing compared to theirs. watch QSD, it's worth it. i have shed thousands of tears over it and definitely recommend it amongst other korean dramas. proof? (a) QSD is the winner to MOST of the MBC Awards. Most of these awards are the major ones. (b) more than 40-50 episodes of QSD are rated as 1st in korea. I hardly see such a perfectly composed drama myself. In fact, honestly? I've lost faith in korean dramas for the past few years and many people have agreed even MBC was in trouble in 2008. i'm sorry but there's just not much that suits my taste anymore. Thanks to QSD and some other dramas with it, i'm back to a kFan.

so now, i'm watching DongYi (another historical drama!) + reading this book. 2 adventures at a time. this puts me to fear, really. fear of the fact that i might ditch one of them forever. i'm that kind. if i choose to follow one and promise myself to resume the other one after finishing it, i break that promise and never actually "resume" it in reality. yes, i know myself that well. hahaha when i say "forever", what do i know! i haven't really actually lived my whole life, have i now?

hahaha am i just so bored over life that i'm assuming i have none by watching dramas 24 hours? i just need the perfect stress-free holiday i'm looking for....... and my method may be wrong but come on, the reason to it all is just one hell of a good relaxation.

then, why am i using it to go over the clouds and leave the world....?

cheer up, jah. cheer up.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

At times, don't you just wonder how life would be like if you lived in the 1500s where having a sword placed against your skin is pretty much normal and there lived warlords and kings and queens and peasants who worshiped them since they are basically prophets to them.

don't you just wonder what role would you play in a historical chinese/korean drama? Hmmm, in my case, I think I'd play as a bastard given birth by the mistress of the King and then abandoned by the mother who has actually been plotting a hell lot of things to gain as Queen. Growing up in a distant place, far away from the kingdom, I fought to learn how to give those heroic moves and survive, just to search and avenge my parents for my abandonment and you know, take my right as a Princess? Nevermind.

But anyways, life would be so cooooool if I get to learn to slaughter and play with swords :D Man, toooo much of QSD (Queen Seon Deok). I'm kidding by the way. I wouldn't want anything to do with swords and having to rely on it to survive. I love my life the way it is. But hmmmm, if I actually lived back then, (here she goes again) I'd definitely take the chance to work in the castle and try to take ANY opportunities whatsoever just to get involved in a drama. For instance, when they assigned me to be a cooking maid at the kitchen, I would cause so much trouble and lure the head of kitchen to get his/her attention to me me me. And that can mean by acting so smart with my words or just so troublesome. And when I get any chance to serve the King, I would straightaway purposefully screw up (like getting all his foods fly about) and act all innocent and cute that he falls in love me. Unfortunately my head was on the line due to the evil kitchen head who had enough of me and ask for me to be eliminated. A warlord then saves my life and bla bla bla bla fall in love bla bla ... in the end, lives happily ever after as a Queen................ or mistress..... not as warlord's wife because then i wouldn't have a lot of power.

It's fun to have a little bit of imagination :) .

Wow, life in the olden days really are cool. Maybe I should stop there '-_- ... today's a great day cause Cumby is practically empty :D . even this computer lab, i feel powerful (king-like powerful) since I'm alone and I can do whatever I want! wohooo~ i feel very much at home.... and powerful..... (totally influenced by Mishil who's suffering from obsession in power "-_- ) .

As usual, woke up at around 6.. and instead of staying in bed for half and hour, went for shower and sahur to fast for the day. cooked my rice and indomi and just had those as well as timtam to survive till the sunset comes later. watched scrubs till about now and since I miss QSD so much (nearing 40th episode), decided to come down 'ere with my laptop and stream all the videos into my laptop while using the cumby's comp to have some fun :D .

i'm gonna be seeing a doc at 2 about my hand. erm, truthfully, i'm as nervous as hell.... but i'm gonna give it my best shot to explain and convince him of my pain that comes and goes. for now, i better prepare for it.

Love Life,
Loeve Everyone.

Monday 21 June 2010


firstly, i'd like to apologise for my rather emotional post previously. i ought to erase the bad memory it can bring. anyways, people may wonder what i've been doing for the holiday so far. since i've been a little too careful w/ my income, i haven't been out to enjoy or even shop except on Friday when I dined at RF, malay restaurant and karoke-ed w/ friends, as well as yesterday's desperate lunch of Mac&Cheese, bought at New World (nearby supermarket).

despite those, i've been saving myself from shopping spree by watching a korean drama and some rental stuff of english movies and even scrubs from nearby Video Ezy to which I finally registered. Wooohooo! I can go watch english movies/dramas at a cheaaaap prize nw! but anyways, that still gives me not much satisfaction as a korean drama would! And as ever, I am again hooked to this drama, Queen Seon Deok!

That said, I've been watching day til night and I'm at the 30th episode. I've got about 35 episodes left. Yeah, it's one of those classic historical dramas but it's definitely NOT boring. those who are close to me would know how much I've been searching for a book/drama with a historical theme that would put me to such uneasiness if i stop halfway through. and this drama is giving m hell by being so. if you watch it whole-heartedly, it will speak for itself.

What else I do? Do you want it at such detail?! Fine.... Pray/Sleep/Shower/Tidy room/Eat from hunger/Binge from boredom or to make our dramas even that more entertaining!/stare in spaces/wander around corridor/lay in bed/laugh from boredom/gossiping etc..... i'm too tired to write more :(

It's definitely like Dae Jang Geum, only better. absolutely recommended :)


Love Life Love Everyone.

Sunday 20 June 2010


as the title says, holiday has officially begun. my heart, however, is not yet in the mood to celebrate the joy it can bring. i even doubt that it may bring any joy at all. i think...i THINK i committed suicide for my Physics paper. Only a night before the exam did I know of the fact that getting below B for PHSI would put me to a bad place in getting into 2nd Year Medicine. I seriously.. had no idea.... How stupid.

I thought they meant B for overall (like the other Health Sciences course excluding Dentistry). I swore I did because if I didn't, I would not have done the craziest thing i could ever do which was to relax over Physics paper and perhaps others as well. What... on.. earth... was I thinking? First year and I already screwed it up.

Therefore, I need time to pull myself together.

As of now, I am in full of regret and misery.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

the strength of appreciation.

it just came to me how having to show appreciation towards one can mean a great deal to him/her. I had Chem today and an elderly man was picking up the answer sheets after our exam had ended. None of the candidates said a word when he did so with a 'thank you' to each of them. And as he reached me, i managed a 'thank you' even before he did. He paused and smiled at me and thanked me more with a 'thank you very much'. Such a cute old man :) .. Anyways, gotta study. Physics n a day and half. Am i ready? Def no. It's 2am. Huhu. better continue cracking w it. See ya!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Who knows...

Okay. Tonight shall be another studathon. When I had my previous one, I didn't survive the next day and suffered from a one-day headache & fever, probably from exhaustion or caffeine. Who knows.

This leads me to a question:
Can I survive tonight?
Who knows... InsyaAllah.

Love Life,
Love Everyone.

PS. I heart SCRUBS!

Friday 11 June 2010



Exam session has started. I don't know if i actually care a great deal about it... but i do have these thoughts of having to finish everything only few hours before each of them begins. it daunts me, really. And yesterday's HUBS paper was not bad at all, Alhamdulillah. I totally over-reacted i think... but cool, atleast it contributed alot with the last-minute preparation. lol.

On a side note, we all received our english test result yesterday. Most of the others passed and I failed mine. Haha... you cannot belieeevee how depressing it was to hear such news, considering the fact I had never failed in the subject my whoooole life. My friends were saying how the inviligators had already warned about hand-writings and all...

The truth is, I under-estimated the paper when I sat inside the hall prior to the exam. Heck, none of us knew how the paper would be like anyway so I was almost sure that it would be as easy as shopping but then came the paper and after few moments of day-dreaming... I looked around and realised that everyone's heads were already into the papers. I straight away started mine ... and I took my time for a while until I realised that there was a time limit ... 10 minutes for answering a comprehension based on a page long of texts! and so on for the rest!

And from then till the end, I answered every questions... but with the crappiest handwriting I could ever own. To begin with, I already have the "most" cursive writing that only few people can comprehend. Even a lot of teachers had to come to me and ask what on earth my writing actually meant. Some even adviced me to change it before the ALevel Exams... but the thing is.... it ain't that easy. I love my writing.. They're so darn easy for me to write and read (most of the time anyway). So I think they're fine........ I mean, if there wasn't any time limit going on "-__-

I learnt my lesson. Over-confidence can never lead you to any good. Being confidence is already enough. And like what had been taught by Islam, there's always a Hikmah behind every failure. And that gives no exception to mine. For failing the English Test, I am to join an English course for my next semester. having a little doubt of not dreading it, i am still pretty sure that this course will bring something good :)

However it will go, that ought to teach my cocky self some lessons atleast.

Love Life,
Love Everyone.

Sunday 6 June 2010

halal food


exams are just around the corner and here i am, blogging! well done jah! :DD .. aa come on, might as well just give myself a break. if you think about it... exams aren't reaaaally THAT much around the corner, it's still 5 days away which is equivalent to 120 hours which is basically round about 7000 minutes. and subtracting away my eye-shutting time + day dreaming, that would give me about 75 hours... and maybe if i subtract another 4 hours fr each day.. i'd get about 50 hours left to study HUBS and the others. so it IS around the corner. now i'm panicking :(

what have i been doing for the past few days???? gaaah~ i can't really remember much but i know i have done a whole lot of day-dreaming. studies? i SERIOUSLY don't know. maybe it's because i'm on a break that makes my head to refuse giving answers on any questions regarding so. therefore, must stop bringing up about studies!

my friends and i have been doubtful of the food served in our college. i have been wondering for the past few months: what exactly is their definition of 'halal'? them being the kiwis.

my guess is that according to them, halal is defined as religiously acceptable ingredients including meats that are legally done by muslim butchers. that would be the general view of what halal really is. but in reality, there is more context to such restriction. halal isn't just about ingredients! halal is also about the food that may have come in contact with non-halal ones.

for example, what cooking utensils have they been using to cook for our halal food? yes, when we put our roast chicken on our plates, there were also pork and other non-halal food next to these chickens and yes, it's clearly obvious that they were in no contact whatsoever.
but think about the backstage: how were these meats cooked? did they use the same pan when they cooked pork the next time they use it for chicken?

it is a must that once our utensils have come in contact with a non-halal meat, we must rinse it away with soil and water. and i doubt that the kitchen staff have actually been doing this. my friend also had doubts about the dishes we have been using. they have also come in contact by students who have been eating pork and what not... and did they actually wash it with soil after that? i doubt that.

hence, i've been trying to stay away from the food served but there were times when i try to rid of my suspicions by going down and eat to relief my hunger. Astaghfirullah. later then, i would feel bad about myself. ofcourse lately, i've been using my own container/bowl and will try to do it everytime insyaAllah. Somehow, I'm just disgusted every time I think more and more of it.

Maybe I should stop stalling about making an appointment with Dr. Brunton. As a group, we have planned to go see him and express our doubts of the food and being our care-taker, i'm pretty sure he would help us deal with it as he had promised us with anything.

Saying stuff doesn't really help much, Jah. Action does. So A, stop stalling! B, stop feeling bad about yourself and complain complain complain! C, it would only make a difference if you start acting!!!!

ALRIGHTOOO~ and will, I shall !!!! :D InsyaAllah

back to study.... if i'm not tired............................ or bored of it.

Love Life,
Love Everyone!

Thursday 3 June 2010

Updating slightly

the clock says 10:04pm.... and still wide awake. i've been trying to sleep for the past 30 minutes but failed to do so due to noise pollution. but oh well... tomorrow is the last day of lectures and today, most of them have already ceased anyway. hence, the celebration going on. gahh~

Anywayss, I have to say.... the most saddest "farewell" lecture (even though 60% of it still comprised of examinable materials) just had to be CELS 191. Its been fun to get to know an interesting lecturer, John T. (who prefers to be called as John Dot due to a rather funny reason) who had taught us for only a week or so. His ways of teaching were so unique and eye-catching that it is impossible for him to NOT understand how short a human being's attention span can be. And for that, I NEVER slept in his classes... at all. And THAT, in Faezah's world, is considered AMAZING. Haha, seriously, It would have been a waste to do so and miss all his acts! As amazing as he sounds, he also discovered a type of bacteria (the good one) that lives in our mouth that can neutralise any pathogens trying to replicate in there and now, they are selling these bacteria in store to protect children especially from getting sick so easily! Amazing ey???

He also believes in BLIS and thus, he is also called as the BLIS Man. BLIS is a belief of, basically, staying away from any micro-organisms BEFORE getting sick and NOT acting only after when you are invaded by them. I have to say, I think I have been subconciously inspired by the BLIS, proven my extra-carefulness and fear in making any contact with these microbes.

Hence, I find him so cool even though I JUST knew him... that... I became emotional when we all learnt today was his last day and that we were in his last lecture at Otago... after 30 years of lecturing. And at the end of the lecture, it was rare to hear the people cheering that remained more than usual :) .. Definitely gonna miss such a great inspirational old man. Can he be my grandpa, please! :P

And that said, I managed to get his autographs!! :DD which were basically just the stamps of his discovered bacteria that he gave at the end. HEE :D I tell ya, I thought the crowd was about to swallow me when I fought for it. And yea, I also squeaked out a tiny "Thank you very much for everything". Tiny 'cause the crowd totally dissolved my voice and ok fine, I didn't have the guts to actually raise my voice to a celebrity/an elderly man. :P

Oooh, interesting as well how Dr. Frank G. was also spotted sitting at the back of the lecture. He is also another elderly wise lecturer whom I adore to have as a grandpa. A co-incidence how they both have been here for 30 years and I am almost sure that they are good friends and that he was there to support his friend in his last lecture :) .. I love them two :))

Okay, lectures done... except for chem and physics lab tomorrow night. despite those two.... i welcome you, the two weeks... of exam fever..


Love Life,
Love Everyone!