Monday 29 September 2008


We have had MARATHONS! WAKEATHONS! AND FOR NOW, me and yum are reviving back our old sessions of what I call STUDATHON!!! (get it?) well, beginning tonight that is or ONLY tonight that is :P .

My first practical exam for Chemistry is in 14 days. And yet, I'm absolutely distracted by EVERYTHING! Maybe it is the fact that I come to Brunei for holidays and never for having to study ETC. Mummy is like "nda payah repeat kali lai .. besides C is good sudah bah tu" . Well well WELLLL, That's not really it. I'm only repeating to occupy my free time (which is till december) and to try and use it to get better grades. And to get rid of this hatred that I still have in me for having to extend my Alevel years for another 6 months, which is supposedly done for 1 and a half years.

Ok , before I forget again.. SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO ANAK MSIA, RASYID MASRAN for that beautiful card of yours. I get very jealous easily when it comes to greeting cards. Very spacious, very.. sparkly. Sigh.. ANYWAYS, My sis really misses you and I get to hear your name everyday AGAIN ! HAHAHAHA. I'm glad that you've taken your role (as one of her guardians :P ) very well indeed. And I haven't had that "sister" talk with you yet:

Macam si Ross, Yum.. "If you ever hurt my sister... I will hunt you down .. and kick your ass" . And then everyone would "Pfffffttttt LMAO" and then Mammy would go "Oh you can kick anyone's asses, dear." haha just like Ross' mum did. GET IT?? GET ITT???? nvm.

Right right, I haven't mentioned, have I? Well, firstly I'm sorry for my absence. I am too busy catching up with my famiy-oriented life. Yes, family-oriented. Why? RAYA IS IN DAYS MAN!! Hohoho. And yes, we're ALLLLL celebrating it in Brunei. How better can it get?!

And those monkeys from KL came back 2 night ago :D . and they have been littering this house with their loud voices that we, ofcourse, have longed for :) . And I'm glad that nothing AT ALL have changed between me & Yum. I know I know.. One day it'll have to be, anyway. She's gotten mature. Well, orang bebf kan!! :P Rasyid! FOREVER GRUDGE ON YOU MAN!! :P .

And and .. we played BUNGA API last night ... some few funny shots by the family but have been failing to load them into computer. Nothing much to blame really except for pure laziness :P . And today, was A LOT of fun! We had family potraits, done at home. It was Kaka & I who suggested the idea because I know that we wont be able to maintain the same condition eternally right? I mean, next year wont be the same as this year, right (eg. those KL monkeys might not be able to raya here)? So whatthehell! TAKE SOME SHOTS laah! :D . And managing the Kids had its difficult moments (ie. Yuna especially :P ) . The theme was purple. Turned out pretty UNIQUE!!

I know, my blog is getting boring with all these words and less pictures. Well, I have my intentions of keeping them public or else, I would have just kept it private to myself. And also, pictures are damn tough to be uploaded. Reasons are such that this new lappie of mine (WHICH I'M LOVING) would go ERGH! whenever pictures are loaded. Nevertheless, my lappie.. i still LOVE. sayang eh .. sayang.

In the near future, I will upload the shots made today. JUST TOO BUSY. I CAN'T EVEN READ BOOKS THAT YUMNI & KAKA HAD BOUGHT FOR ME. EEEE.. and including the one that I have taken from Daddy's Library and even that book that I bought myself. EEE!! BILA TAH KAN BULEH NII!! (nunggu Yumni balik dulu kali :P) The Savage Garden, Gone With The Wind, The Tailor's Daughter & Good Writing.

Capital Scandal pun on break sudah. HUHUHUHHU!!! Bye, K-Dramas.. see you (till Yum has gone back to KL that is :P )

Tadi ada sudah kan di upload gambar.. tapi malas tia. God, the mood to do it just fluctuates rapidly. And sigh.. England have their Rayas tomorrow, whilst Malaysia the next day and Brunei.... the NEXT day?? Hopefully NOT !


trying out those tudungs.. us three sister from L to R: me, Yum, Kaka.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

A Part Time Job at SAJ.

I don't think I've mentioned what I have been doing since this week's Monday.

My dream, as I have told some, is to be a lecturer. Reason is such that I'd like to teach students towards the rightful path. Somehow, I got inspired after experiencing the worst teaching method known in my life. I don't want my students to slide down a ladder instead of climbing one and that is from my sincered heart and am willing to put in my best effort to it. I'd also tell them stories... stories that hopefully may teach many lessons to them or inspire them even. Lol, and, a quick reminder, that is the dream.

So, having that in mind... I was offered a sort of a part time job (although without any income to it). A job that had given me new experiences. A job that was offered by my own Kaka.. and indeed, to be her assistant... Guru Sekolah Arab's assistant, to be more specific. It's nothing illegal or anything 'cause these are only extra classes.

It grew more and more exciting as the days proceed. Though, it's only a 4 day thing (4 and half hours) ... I still enjoyed immensely spending time with these Primary 6 students who are about to do their PSR. They showed great enthusiasm towards the english language and my sister's teaching. And they are, ofcourse, PLAYFUL. Ah, the first thing that struck me was how disciplined these students were.. well, atleast how most were. ;p

One thing I've always enjoyed about Brunei is that socialising here is extremely fun. I give the classes as an example. As I have observed carefully, everyone participated really well in the activities given by my sister. And the jokes these kids continuosly make could have gotten me OFF the chair! And that's why I love Brunei. People here have GREAT sense of humour, here. Probably it's the language. But they really know how to twist those vocabularies into a comedy. Haha.. probably I've been international-ised too much but being in Brunei, comedies are easily found. We should all be proud of that, either way :) .

Anyways, I did quite a few things to them. Read them passages and I remember I mocked the speed of a boy who wrote it down so lazily. He got the hint and even the rest of the class did and they all started "ooooooooo" . Hahaha.. Another thing I did was correcting OUT LOUD the exercises they had to do and that was also fun to know what the studs have written down. And today, which was the last day of it, I just helped the kids around with the questions they had to do.

Overall, VOICE PROJECTION is of an essence. The classrooms were pretty wide and kids were spread out so in order for them to have the words clearly sent into their minds, our voices must be LOUD but to an extent la (jangan luan berteriak atu). And the first two times I had to do, Kaka kept hinting how my voice was not loud enough. And until now, I may still need to adjust that. I know how this may be an irony. I have been complimented as one with a "sharp" voice but it's just that.. I was unsure how loud my voice should have been. I wouldn't want to frighten these students off, kan?? But now I'm getting the hang of it.

All the kids finally knew of my identity since yesterday. I was glad that the news was greeted nicely. Kaka went "so how old do you think Ustazah Faezah is?" and the students enthusiastically shouted numbers like 20 , 21, 26 , 30 even! and the closest one they got to was "18" ! Sigh .. yes, when you try to be mature at such young age of 17 ... you happen to LOOK mature. So people, act your age.. (even though I dont) and dont try to act too mature.

After they knew that I was only 17 .. most cheered to it as some did a loud "oooOOOo" BUT somehow, they became extremely shy. Haha.. well they are only 4-5 years younger. And there was one boy who acted exceptionally wierd infront of me who, when I tested his english, seemed to be fooling around the most with unacceptable mistakes.

None could face me directly except for this another boy who put on a stunning smile (Sah---). AHAHAHAHA ! Anyways, it was funny! They even got scared after being threatened that they'd be sitting RIGHT infront of me for being naughty. Nyeheehe !! And some actually did like today was J & A. Blehh .. And I think my bruneian is improving... "Malar malarr" "beulah kanak2 ani" "Si kambang" "si banarrr" etc etc. :P

Anwyays, I thank the students for entertaining my week & kaka for bringing me to the school. It's been fun & and I get to be back on the ground (not the clouds anymore with all the K-Dramas!) with my studies =) . It's been a huge pleasure to be an assistant. Millions of Experiences I would never forget....... maybe :P and to those cheerful kids, I just hope I can find out what your futures are like ahead of you :) .

Monday 22 September 2008


stupid thing happened the other night. BAM! I bumped right into a closet and got a gift from it: a swollen forehead... Anyways, though it still stings, I managed to study alot today. Very satisfied with that and along with that, I have also discovered quite a few things today:

1) Capital Scandal is super duper interesting! just watched its first episode and am totally hooked.
2) Frankly ,this font never impressed me. Will change it, soon.
3) I had two things to say to YUM but i ALWAYS ALWAYS forgot to bring them up!!!!!
4) BYJ acts in Untold Scandal. I'm totally gonna watch it.

5) Sadly, I might not be able to do any of these. EXAMS IN LESS THAN 4 WEEKS and yet, I still sleep like a baby and watch drama till late night. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? and PLUS, the book bought "The Savage Garden" doesn't help me at all for now I'm more confused... It's like should I... study ka... drama ka... or read ka............................ If yumni was here, it'd be strictly to only "study ka.." hahahaha.

But thank god, Kaka brought me to her school today. Had a great time watching those kids and reminiscing (in the head) of the ol' good times in schools. *sigh* So, I'd say, she's my new study coach :P .

Ah yes.. Yum online.. will tell her now.

Hehe, done! so the seconds news, that I have told her so eagerly, was greeted by a less enthusiastic Yum. Grr.. ISN'T THAT INTERESTING?? JEONG JUN HO, my exboyfriend (no marriage tu ah) and who acted in My Boss My Hero/Princess Lulu/My Wife is Gangster etc etc., turned out to appear in HOTELIER. INTERESTING JUA TU!!!! And he's H O T there.. like DOUBLE H O T hahahaa! awu bah .. fine.. it's nothing i guess.. not even a NEWS at all. Pfft.

Bah, night2 !!!


Wednesday 17 September 2008

Drama Drama Drama.

Though it's already the 16th night we puasa, a Selamat Berpuasa to each of y'all :P Sorry bah.... I'm just too occupied. Hehe as in.. my nights are filled with Hotelier, My mornings are filled with sleeps to compensate the Hotelier-ing hours :P and My short afternoons are spent as I wander into spaces or study (for a while nganya) :P and the cycle goes on and on. Oh how tiresome! sapa suruh liat drama kan!!

I found the best site for those who get crazy over Hotelier :D and it was worth the hardwork of searching it because ... what lies beneath it are the things that I have been aching to get! Ok fine, a complete exageration there. Only the music sheets infact. Hehe. But I'm so bloody happy! I have been craving for it for over 4-5 years and having it in my hands now, only god knows how I'm gnna rip it apart just to show my enthusiasm. AAAAAAHHH! And I think it deserves to be linked: (although it wont be any use... knowing that Hotelier is THAT old)

Oh yes, scene #1. Maybe it's something I'd like to share so that it may be a lesson to you all. Point of it is, really, NOT WORTH YOUR TIME WAITING FOR A REPLY FROM A CELEBRITY. (duhh right?). Song Yun Ah .. the lead actress in Hotelier .. had a huge fan during around the time after I watched it for the first time. HAHA.. Me, that is to say. :P

I even labeled a file "Memories of Bae Yong Jun & SYA" and insert everything I have printed out of the internet (whether they're pictures, infos, lyrics etc) and the thing ahead of all was .... SYA's email address. And you can guess the stuff I wrote in it which were all pretty much from the bottom my heart. Haha, yes... they were rather freaky considering that we are of the same sex. I can explain that: I love dramas and people acting. And I considered her as one of the great ones.

Well anyways.. I waited for 6 months for a reply from her :( .. I even made a new account that I checked daily for her words. But there were none. And from that day on, I still love SYA but I learnt to never be fanatic anymore.

Haha.. I was 11 or 12.. so forgive such immature thing but I remember it was a huge impact on me, being too much of a fan and all... Sigh. Anyways, Song Yun ah! I still like you! :D .
The kids have gone asleep and I dont think the connection at KL is any good now since none are replying me. Fine fine fineeeee...

Ah BTW, I saw the dance moves arah TomTomBak. Ok ok.. I know kanak2 stuff. But it was only coincidence that I was infront of it when the kids were watching it :P (alasan!). Anywayss, they were doing Kabhi Khusi Kabhi Gham (my still no.1 indian movie!)! So I got all excited and loved it. Haha.. and then, it hit me.. right from the beginning.. it was what Yoga (Yoggie Bear) had taught once upon a time ago !! heeehh.. I hope she still had it in her memory of teaching me the dance moves. Sigh.. though I was no good (AT ALL), I still enjoyed learning it. Haha.. hardly any of my friends does blogging but to hell with it... I miss the people I know in KL. It's been pleasure to have met you all.

Watch from the beginning and this time, must reach its ENDING !!!!!!!

Sunday 14 September 2008


Today is such a fine day. Exam is OVERH and I'm pretty sure shouts of hurrahs would be everywhere. Daddy took me out yesterday. He brought me round like a tourist. Hmm.. I was pretty suprised myself hahaha seeing all the stuff that I have not seen of Brunei.

First place was a Princess' Castle nearby the Jerudong Park. I get to see the other half of it atlast. And it was my first time. Seriously, to think about it, Brunei have so many Castles of the Princes and Princesses and Queens etc. And they're HUGE. Like REALLY Huge. Amazing sceneries, I shall add.

And then, we went far ahead to Pekan Tutong (haha Jauh??) I also got to know what Pekan means! Daddy went there to buy something from a particular restaurant there near the Sungai. Didn't get the time to really enjoy the view but having the ride was already fun. :)

Right now, my heat for dramas, as I said, have returned again. They were gone due to my big commitment to AS and haha, I'm glad I didn't have any regrets from it.

Anyways, I watched the first few minutes of Corner with Love. And I'm thinking... Yum, is it really GOOD??? hahaha. But Barbie Tsu is damn pretty here. She's a natural beauty, I have to say! But the story is like.. uhh... I need confirmation Yum.. what is your true opinion?? Bagus banar kahh?

So since the DVD was wrecked... decided to go for Silence. And hahaha.. Kaka was continually touched by her Vic Zhou.. haha.. Yesyes, me too :P .. but what i love most is his voice. His songs are *sighhhhhhhhhhhh*.

AH YES, stuff from KL came yesterday kann.. So I managed to rummage through our collection of K-Dramas. And I decided to watch back my Hotelier.. :P Bae Yong Jun.. my first love :P !! HAHAHAHA. As in he was the first korean actor I gila-gila of. But the real first one is the Taiwanese Jerry Yen or Vic Zhou. I even remember carrying stickers of them to school like some sort of a lucky charm. How LAME.

So people who is a fan of Bae Yong Jun (from the Winter Sonata), it is a MUST MUST MUST that you watch the classic Hotelier. It blew my 12 years old self off :P . I am also planning to continue watching Jumong (baru jua first 2 episodes! already siok. NGANYA NO COMMITENT!! HAHA) and then probably............... Honey & Clover, J-Dorama. Got em all.. just the will to watch it NGANYA :P . HWAN JIN-I!!! I FORGOT TO FINISH IT!! hahaha .. arrrrgg.. i miss my beautiful boy there.. *sigh*

What else what elseee.. Oh yessss, MARS the taiwanese drama.. heheee.. 3 episodes left.. I'm too hesitant to watch 'em.. cause well.. I dont want to miss them after finishing the drama. Huhhhh!! BEMASALAH hahaa.

And oh yes, I miss Bong Dal-Hee. A good drama it was. I mean..... not much of a romance (compared to the other K-Dramas) but love LOVE love ITTT. I'm sorry people.. SEE!!! I'M BACK TO THAT DRAMA-FREAK!!
I'm rarely this fanatic but isssshhh there are hardly any novels around this house waaa and I can't find MINE arah kotak2!!!!! WHERE DID YOU PUT 'EM YUMM??? hehe..

OH SHIT, MAKAN UBAT. AND MY FACE..... gone lah! haha. makan udang galah lagi!! huuuhh.

Gotta make a list before I forget them. Deadline was last week. Indeed, I'm forgetful.

1. Search for Nurul Ain's phone number!!!!!
2. Return $25 to Mum.
3. Return $16 to Kaka.
4. Plannings for next year!
5. Search for novels (I think I saw the box arah store pulang)
6. Do STATS as of tomorow!
7. Ermm.. another planning before next week for you know lah :P

Right. Kan menyanyi Rang Wo Ai Ni ku :P sama dina. Pandai Dina nyanyi ah.. shocking!

Friday 12 September 2008

The Stranger.

Yes people. I have ze cocky pox. Well better now than later, yeah? All these pus are annoying and I have been suffering, itching here and there with all the pain. I just had my chemistry exam, anyway. And it was an okay lah. I have not much words to describe it but overall, it was a good effort :) . I do regret slightly though … such consequences of going (when I’m seriously not supposed to!) are headaches, fever & pain. Time to eat ze medicine.

I am currently in the car, waiting for my parents to finish buying their goods. How lucky it is to have my lappie with me! Before Dad left the car, he recommended me this book called “The Stranger”, a short story that took me less than 30 minutes to read.

Hmm… it is absolutely freaky if you understand the whole of it.

Anna, the assistant of the “stranger” David Slatin (such cool name!), had been utterly curious as to why the special customers of David leave the shop with good fortune yet with a rather gloomy expression. Examples are Miss Greta Gordon, a rather popular film star who became the biggest hit; Mr. Arthur Riseman who was a vice chairman that had made him a chairman when there was an airplane crash which killed the former chairman; Mr. Mike Baisley who was a footballer and led him to score many goal due to the injury the goalkeeper had to bear etc.

The ending was not clear as to how David had helped them this way but a believer like me could grasp it well. Hoho…… he obviously (to me) used black-magic. One of those super-natural people you know?? And yes, they do exist and David Slatin, as unfortunately good-looking man he is, is one. This was discovered when Anna found airplanes (which represented the airplane crash); a doll (which represented the goalkeeper); money (which represented Greta’s fortune). Voodoo kan???

Oh yes, along the story… Anna came to develop feelings towards David and vice versa. And in the end, after Anna discovered these “toys” of his, David begged her to marry him and give him “children” who can inherit these powers.

And to how much did he love her? Well… Anna escaped that place from David’s pleading and reached home feeling ill for days that even doctors couldn’t treat her. She couldn’t even speak to anyone. One day then… the villagers discovered David’s shop “The Corner Shop” to be in fire with him being displayed at the second floor, laughing madly. And it was not only his body that was found dead that minute……….. Anna’s was found... as well. Isn’t this a pleasant story?? :P

Yes, as much as I can interpret it… 1) Anna was bewitched ill and unspeakable so that she would tell no one (especially her fiancĂ©e) about David’s little secret. 2) David was willing to “use” his body as the voodoo toy for Anna so that they both may die and live in the life hereafter together forever. Hahahaha… I don’t know if Anna would be much keen to that but I guess, since David sounds charming, I would murder her the second time if she turned this offer of his down. Hohoho.. she doesn’t have a choice anyway :P .. she died sudah, what? Oh how cruel of me!!

So yes, both main characters died and left the whole villagers with great dismay and questions. And yes, that is how much David loved Anna … like Romeo & Juliet rather. Well…. Except that this Juliet was quite reluctant :P .

Sigh… freaky kan? in a way, romantically unpleasant... hahahahaha… hoho..

Ok, I’m currently addicted to Vic’s and Barbie’s duet song of “Rang Wo Ai Ni”. How a wonderful couple could break up when they’re so perfectly suited for one another. Sigh… what a disappointment!

MY KL-IAN STUFF HAS ARRIVED, yum!! FIRST THING TO GRAB = BOOKS. Bye-bye Yum. And don’t be shocked by my “freckled face”.
Dayana cakap bye2.. “boboi”

Monday 8 September 2008

Qualifying Examinations

Ok dear blog.. do let me whine for few minutes here.
Yekkhhh.. I HATE MOCKS! or whatever you wish to call it! Thank god I'm over with the important ones ie. Chem & Maths, excluding P3 chen. And tomorow, I shall deal with EAS.. subconciously. Hahaha. point is.. NOT BOTHERED.

Weeeee~ m watching Austin Powers, the classic!! :DD someone reminded me of it! Hoho. So BRB k. (I'm seriously doing a lot of things right now haha).

Ok back. I had to stop cause my nieces arrived and it would be very inapproriate to play it infront of them. :P duh.. oh, behavee~ hahaha.

Ok, i need Yum. i NEED Yum or Kaka !! STUPID CATS WONT GET OFF OUR HOME.. ARGH! Kenapa kan tu? And I made a stupid stunt just now.. (ye know .. trying to be the Super Bungsu :P ) and in the end, i only managed to make a clown out of myself when the cat couldn't care less of the shoes I kept throwing at it. Instead, it grew nearer and nearer to me that I screamed and ran away. PFFT. what a hero! :D

"Su Pijah nda kan ngambil kah slipar2 yg su pijah buang?"
"Erm.. karang tah lai.. err..ada kucing.."

Yes, I'm a girl. I acknowledge my cowardice and I am not ashamed of it. I got no balls, after all.

And one thing that's killing me. DRAMAS. they come back to haunt me. It was better when I'm outdated. And now... though I still am, my eyes are on Honey & Clover.. MARS & Taiwanese Meteor Garden.. Hahaha.. MG is 'cause I wanna bring those enlightening moments back; MARS 'cause I've never really watched it; H&C 'cause its songs drew me to watch it and .. uhh.. i guess back to the jdorama days.... ISSSSHHH.

You know what .. I think I want to withdraw from repeating my maths AS. I should have thought it through. From the exams I did today, it was hardly an A! and ARH?? I'm aiming for an A?? Everyone was right... B is always fine. so why bother to repeat? AHHHHHHHHHHHH! CONTRADICTING THOUGHTS.

Ok, I'm out of stories. I better be prepared for EAS tomorow. Huhu. Exams, my eternal enemies. Oh yes, dayana is already having chickpox... me & dina left to go. Hix hix .. let's just hope I'd get it before tomorow.....or after (in time to skip Chem's P3 :P).

Erm erm.. 2 weeks 5 days to go for the entire family's reunion wow.. it's like 2 more mondays to spend through and you'll be here! HEHE. Yay Yay.

"Su Pijah... kenapa nada antioni disini?"

You know what just hit me, Yum. I dont think we'll ever be as close as we used to be. as in.. you know.. 24 hours side by side :( . And I only got to realise it now. It's like ... I've always thought that this separation is just a case of momentary... a temporary thing. But no, that was it.. our days in KL were the last days we live together.

'Cause.. think about it... you're only gonna be here for holidays .. At most pun 1 month! and if i am to leave Brunei next year, then my thinking is right... our KL days were the last... kan?? Sigh.. To tell you the truth.. there are times when I still feel lonely (banar jua tu haha 24 hours bedangan saja oleh kwkw). But thanks to Kaka n the others. Without them here... I dont know how I can live! ARGH, BUCKLE UP.. ONE DAY.. ITS GONNA BE ME ALL ALONE!!! SO, STOP WHINING, MAN!! hehee.

Monday 1 September 2008

A Place I Call Home

I have told few of my close friends that life in brunei is still something that I am in the process of getting used to. Even my parents are radiantly happy to know that there wont be anymore countries to leave to. And our belongings are still crossing the sea ... although ... for the last time :) . It's still just absolutely hard to believe it for all of us and THAT is how happy I am.

First few days in MD were hard for me. Having to adjust and adapt to the school and new friends was something that I have always hated. However, I know that I have to go through it anyway. So every resentment towards my experiences in MD... well.. I try to push them away and be as optimisitc as possible. Because, I dont want it to degrade me to a child I once was... A child with experiences that made her who she was... one with terrifying 0% self-esteem.

And pushing those resentments was the best medicine to everything. I like MD as it is. I dont care the fact that I have not made much friends but sufficient enough lahh! I know that for the next 8-7 months I will be there, I will continue to be as friendly as I can and grow a better friendship with each of the new friends I will make n have made. Yes, I hardly knew anyone there. Yes, I did experience being lost ALOT with hardly any help. Yes, making friends CAN be tough.... But who cares? Just dont let it degrade me (as I have said).. And no, it will not :)

These are the words that keep my feet on the ground. So yes, Ziq.. I like MD. And compare to the hell I've been through at my previous college... MD holds a me a better chance. LOL. And to people, I know I can be excessively close or friendly. But... making friends is like that?? But yes, people did say I'm naturally like that. And it has its goods n drawbacks. HAHAHA

Hahaha... Like my experience with Lutec (one my besties at MIGS -I MISS YOU, SAY!!). During my very VERY first day at MIGS, the admin had informed of a girl she'd like me to approach. A "buddy", I suppose. And after the morning assembly and getting all lost (as usual)... I saw the back of an indonesia girl who had long hair, swinging from side to side...

Though there were thousands of other indnesians there, I was pretty god damn sure that she WAS Lutec. I dont know why but the way how my feet and my arm were disobeying me, my instincts were definitely trusted atta time AND for that, I didn't regret any bit of it AT ALL because thank god, I was right....

Yes, hahaha .. Lutec got freaked out and ran away, leaving me at the spot feeling disoriented. And then, feeling bad and all... she walked back to me .. and FINALLY brought me to the classroom. HAHAHA .. and there.. began our miraculous friendship. :) Thank You Lutec. I know how it must have scared the hell outta u atta time and I owe you an apology for that. AND TO THE REST OF THE PEOPLE WHOM I HAVE ENCOUNTERED THE SAME AWAY. I know I'm scary. Hahahaha.

Anywayssss~ I just got back home from a family dinner at Aminah Arif. Pictures.. Erm.. So sorry.. I left my camera in the bedroom. Argh! I can't believe a year has passed. And I'm fasting in Brunei??? Gila eh.. so nice rasanyaa.. 1 whole month of ramadhan here. So Excited because this is the moment where families are brought closer as you spend more time with them. If you dont, then you should be.....

I ate Jollibee for the 2nd time in Brunei tadi siang. Hahaha.. at the mall's food court. Discovered that the walk is only 10-15 minutes. Hahaha siuk nii! Tapi the sun was excruciatingly burning me, mannn. Lain bah panasnya.. I felt so tanned just after few seconds under it.. But the great thing about it is that.. (NO, NOT SKIN CANCER!! DUH.. SO PEOPLE DONT GO UNDER THE SUN TOO MUCH) my skin felt quite healthy under those 5 mins of tanning. Haha.. good?

OH YES! TADII .. 2 NEW PEOPLE JOINED US FOR TERAWEH.. SAPA NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???? YES, MY TWO NIECES, ADRIANA & NAJLA.. and you know what mama keep saying, yum!! "Eh bisai eh .. lebih teranah dari si yum sama pijah masa dulu.. atu baru bisai..!" HAHAHA .. but i have to admit.. they really were :P .

And in our defense, we WERE taught by the two monkeys (ham & ram) how to be "inda teranah". HAHAHAa. KAN KAN KAAAAAAAAAANN?

And I love my life.