Wednesday 6 August 2008

The First MD Day.

Woke up at 5.45am. I didn't have much of a good sleep, probably I haven't really settled myself well here. No worries, in 3 weeks time.. I'll be brunei-ized. Haha. I rarely have breakfast but whenever I'm offered to join one.. I'd probably agree. Had tea, bread with Kaya jam and Kaka's mee. Headed off to shower... and then started posing with my new school uniform!! Abg mentioned how I looked very Bruneian. Hehe.. I feel so too!! Yum, the pictures not very good. Quite blurry. But I'll load it kajap ah. *edit* no, haha not today!

The first ride was to Sekolah Sunshine for my little Adriana. Wow... you should have seen how "macet" it was. Irdina was so sleepy that she started to whine a lot. So, I put her on my lap and let her rest on me as I gently tried to put her to sleep. It's really wierd. Haha, I feel like... with the uniform... I wasn't a "BungsuPijah" anymore but instead, someone more like a Big Sister. LOL. Then Abg Adi dropped me & Ka at the Admission block of MD. And there, we were told to wait for the Head (Still not used to admission officers talking to me in Bruneian... espeically the lecturers... Sounds so unusual rather.) It took her about 30 minutes to finally be able to see us.

So, me & Ka followed her to her office. And I gave her the letter about my "case". She gazed on it for a few minutes as Ka was eager to leave the office for her class. Then the question that I had feared to answer came out of her mouth: "Kenapa skulahmu di KL?"

And I guess... I GUESSS.. what I answered was "Kolejku tu BURUK".

There was a short moment of pause in that room and suddenly... after longing for someone to speak... she bursted out laughing. Oh shit.. wth did I say this time.

Then Ka, laughing aswell, reminded me again "Jah.. just speak english saja!"

I was still confused why everyone was laughing at what I said. So, I did as she told. And she became all serious again after listening to me. Then, I was sent to the Deputy Head for futher admission while Kaka left for her school. The DH said that I had to pay $50 fine for each subjects that I want to sit this october.

Damn, first day of school and I already got FINED. She also mentioned I can only start my classes on Monday.. Because they need the Admission Report & IGCSE results before entering and some forms to be filled in. Damn, I've already given those to MOE. Can't they ask from 'em??

So around 8am, I went out of the admission building (since I CAN'T attend classes yet!) and tried calling both Kaka & Abg. Adi. Their phones are again unable to be connected to. So, I called Papi and told him of the situation and the stuff needed to be faxed by tomorrow. Then, out of my expectation, far at the sight of my left eye... I saw someone sooo... sooo.. familiar. Right infront of the library, she was walking (not even close to "graciously" hahaha) with a book on her hand. She caught a glimpse of me as well. I was still on the phone atta time, so I couldn't concentrate much. Then, I saw her mouth going wider and WIDER and SO WIDEE that a baby monkey could fit in there. HAHAHA.. She came towards my direction. And oh.. my.. god.. IT IS HERR!! hahaha. YEAH, IT WAS ZIQQIE! .. Unbelievable. Finally! SOMEONE I KNOW!

She brought me along to this ELIT Staff Room and hung out with her friends. I was still making the effort to contact Kaka. Sadly, all was failed until around 8.45 that I called mum and asked her what to do. She called Abg Naj and told him to pick me up. Thank you ma! :) . I wasted $9 of credit on that. Can you believe thatt??

As Abg Naj reached the place, I was told to wait back at the Admission block. And on my way out, got to see Tharwana (ever since god-knows-how-long). As I waited there at the Adm. Block, students (we're talking about "MALE BRUNEIAN STUDENTS") are EVERYWHERE. Yum, seriously Yum.. there's a lot here that is of your type. Haha.. I was so shocked!

Friends in Msia, Sorry. No credit to reply to you guys.

To Med & Lutec, Thank you for the beautiful bag! Used it on the plane! Haha banyak spaceny gitu. Thanks! Nanti klo gw bkal k msia, i'll contact ye. Miss You Guys!!!


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