Saturday 30 August 2008


I'm so sorry for my absence, dear blog. Things have been.. well... too much to write and I know how I've promised to Yum to post every little things down. I'm so sorry :) but permission to break the promise? :D .. Thank You! :D

Anywaysss, I better jot the things to be done before they drift away:

- Send pics to Meddie.

- Post few pics as an entertainment to Yum.

- Buy Nasi Katok :P

- Abide the "personal" timetable.

- Eat Zaf's gift :P

Ohkeee~ .. hrm hrm.. give me 5 minutes to do the first task. Ok! DONE! Wee-Hoo! Sorry ya med for the delay! Next thing.. yesterday we had a tahlil arah rumah tua. And, it also coincided with my parents' arrival so meeting few of the relatives were pretty.. awesome. :) The people I have not seen in many years were right infront of me and I had doubts that they'd remember me but turned out, they did :D . The only sad thing from that, however, was the question continually asked "Where is Yum?"

Yes, it is indeed so incorrect to see me ONLY, as if I'm incomplete and can only be completed by my other half, Yum. I miss her so damn much. :( And I hope you're fineee. I trust you can lead a healthy life there >:( . Mum misses you... awfully.. :( But it's life. So move on with it.. in a click, you'll be with us HERE! YAYY! Btw, a month without you... that's something new.

I have nothing more to say. I mean, I say it all on the phone! Hmm... I need to tell you something though! I'll call you :D:D .. it's regarding tuitonss! :D . Damn, credit went down $5 ! ARGGH! TALIPOON AKUUU BAAAHHHH!!!


My sweet chicka! hahaha .. Thank you eh for the gift mann.. So so sooo unexpected! Haha.. Padhall I was joking about the letter!! And ohmaaagoodd,, you bought me famous amoss.. oh, you're too sweet dear! Haha.. and I seriously.. most dearly... hope that you'd be in MD . We'd be like hanging out 24 hours a dayyy ! :D:D .. yes babe, the two lost bruneian girls in brunei! haha .. (huh??)

Some of my other farewell gifts.. MAHSA's. :)

Ebi Fry! My eternal favourite of Sushi King! Uhhhhh~

NANDO'S! Craving every bite of it :( !!!!!!!!!!!!

Holiday begins as of tomorow :) . It will, however, be blurred by mock exams! Huhuhu.. I might wont be able to make it to those exams anyway .. what with all the chicken pox I'm about to have! (I SO HOPE FOR THE OTHERWISE) Which will ruin my raya appearance .. I'm sure Yum's gna make fun of my pox-y face :( with people assuming them as pimples! OH SHOOT~ I'm sensing a dark future ahead of meee.


Saturday 23 August 2008

My Crush...

Wee! I love my saturdays =) .. although, i do have the feeling that my saturdays will only be as it is till the end of this year :( . OH! I SO HOPE NOT! I mean come on, man! I leave school at 11! Like Every Saturday. Haha.. ok, maybe it's quite the same in KL.. but that only happened when there's no lecturer to teach us after 11 and even that made me feel all guilty and unhappy leaving at such time.

So, it has been 2 weeks I've been in MD. I received my results around the same time. Alhamdulillah, satisfying enough to drift me away from any depression :) . And school.. well... there are its ups and downs but .. overall, loving it :) .

On Thurs, I've finally tracked down the people I've been dreading to meet for the past weeks.. such are.. Diyana & Amal. Diyana was a former Mutiaran... hahaha.. I still can't believe that a Mutiaran is in my school beside myself... HOW COOL IS THATT!!! So yeah.. it was a funny thing how we met ... We were miscalling each other, without having to realise that we were already beside each other at the Dining Hall. HAHAHA. I felt so clumsy ehh..

And then Amal... a cousin of mine whom I haven't met in ages. She's changed alot that I couldn't traced down her features anymore. Hahaha... And it was like a ghost when she nudged me with my name di Library. Shocking .. but was reallllllyyy glad to have found a cousin in School! BANYAK ORG BAHH.. CANA TAH KAN JUMPA YANG LAIN NIII~

Ok, so I've developed a crush (as obvious from the title) towards this guy. And people know how unlucky I am when it comes to liking a guy.. well .. I JUST CAN'T STOP MAKING TERRIBLE IMPRESSIONS TO THEM. That's why .. I never seemed to get close with my crushes... further ada pulang. haha.. Well there was that 3-4 years of crush on the boy in BIS (sapa nah??) and only him did I get close to and oh yeah, that one in MIGS ( sapa nah??) .. but that's it .. i dont they'll ever find out. Good enough :) .. But the rest were like... WTF is up with this lady.. lari ku ehh.. mmbari takut pulang.

It's not that I ever confessed to them, my mouth just keep talking unconciously of some STUPID STUPIDDD things. Talur kan? And the minute after our conversation end.. I'd be like "Oh NOT AGAIN.." . Seriously, I dont how know to end this thing..~ and you knw what's the sadder thing.. I only accept people when i LIKE them. Yes, hence.. a bachelorette for 4 years. Hahaha.

Ok, about this guy.. I am having the sameee problem.. He's owned by someone and seeing the consequences of these stupid fingers (for chatting with him), there is only at most 0.0005% of him ever to entertain me through this cyber world. He's responding me like "Ok.. I see" since then. And THAT's IT.

And I thank him. I mean, not for being the 100% type of guy he is but for bringing back this excitment that have been long gone since a year and a half ago. =) Haha.. WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING HERE? ABOUT BOYS???? SINCE WHEN? .. Well, Brunei kali ah.. atleast some adjustments of oneself shall be made kan?

Anyways, bah.. Ada diorang Najs.. I gottago. And Yum, just wipe those people in your ass with some tissues and lead your life with no revenge towards them. Peace is the best response to everything. :) . Live a healthy life. So Kwkw.. just urghh.. TO HELL WITH IT!!! I LOVE YOU.. 1 MORE MONTH TO GO..

I love speaking half n half here.. Banartah ... hehe.. if any wrongs though, tagur ahh.. k yum! LOVE YOU .. take care.. and everyone, inda batah lagi bepuasa.. be WELL PREPARED.

Friday 22 August 2008

Friday 15 August 2008

A Very Quick Post!

I love my Asus! Haha.. I dont know why.. I just feel like saying that... I mean, I haven't had the chance to show my appreaction towards its presence ever since it was first born. So here you go... though there were few times when you didn't make a good impression, I still love you for who you are and what you have given me. HEEEEEE!

Ok, this will be a quick post.

I had a short school day.. probably shortest ever. The last class of the day was MATHS. I didn't do well in the most recent STATS paper. Obviously, it's due to the fact that I have forgotten most of the principals of it. Hence, the absolutely dissapointing result. But ever since my first holiday weekend yesterday, I had the time to go rummage through my minds and bring back the classic stuff of STATS. Argh, I HATE IT.

Then, I had PS (free time). At 11 that is. Afni brought me to her hostel room. So damn nice. I mean, I wasn't allowed... but took the risk anyway. I mean, what a stupid rule.. students are only allowed to leave at 11.45. So might as well break a rule of entering the hostel atta time. Went back to the library and sought for Anati. Hung out with her for a teeny while.

Went to Immigration with Tgh. We first ate at Sugar Bun. Haha.. It's been a decade.. last time I ate was 12 years ago. Quality's gone down.. but very nice enough to eat.

Then, headed for the IC renewing part... blablbabla.. curse the person questionin me... rude & totally undisciplined. But not my part to lecture, so let that go... and went HOME. You know kan.. my brunei still not FLUENT enough to be able to undestand people FULLY. So, I was abit blur kan.. and she was like saying in bruneian
"Ah.. APA?"
"MM.. apa tu?"
"ANI BAH ANI!!!" shoving me her index finger.
"Oh.. atu! OK ok.." put my index finger there.
So I pivot my fingers so that it's now facing to the right direction.
"Ohh..!" So I rolled my poor finger.
Sudah pun datang akhir!!! Geez woman.. either get your attitude right or get your job right!

Haha.. Yum, there are pictures... but sini a bit slow... so will probably load them arah Multiply.. Some for Mum jua tu.. hehe. Haiyooo~ Will load few pictures here.. right now, I have promised myself to abide my personal timetable. So I shall go. BYE!

Thursday 14 August 2008

Hectic week.

Funny quotes from Dina:"Haha... tangan kaka macam kaki ayam.." her comment of Adriana's drawing."Nene laki masih skulah kah di KL?"There's more.. for the moment, though, I'm far from being bothered to jot them down.
I thought of writing a long boring post... but hmm... I guess I'll post-pone that and get on with my works.
However, I do feel the need to mention that I'M ABSOLUTELY DRAINED FROM A TOTAL OF ONE WEEK IN BERUNAI.
Take Care, Everyone!   

Friday 8 August 2008

Bringing back memories.

Yesterday night, my sis' family and I went out for a bit of shopping (mainly because of my presence). We went to Yayasan and only god knows when was the last time I've been here. Our journey to there brought us to quite a few of sites of attraction of Brunei eg. the er.. mosque. The lights made it all so beautiful and well... rich. I love it.

As we reached the Yayasan, we first headed to "guardian". As being introduced by Kaka, there are only "few" guardians here. And that's a problem for me. Because I go to guardian probably once a week/two weeks. Reasons are such that my necessary toiletteries, lotions, facial foam etc. etc. are found here! and ofcourse the most important ones: my menstrual pills.

I've suffered enough from my period. The pain is not at the usual place, FYI. Incidents even occured like one that humiliated me which will not be mentioned. I've been to many doctors and one said to decrease food intake (quite irrelevant), one said to take in some sort of birth control pill (ha ha?), some said to take in some sort of hormonal control pill... and another.. well... "go take panadol lah!". FYI, Panadol is too weak for me to able to bear the pain. Though it works on my two sisters, it never workds on me. However, until about last year of searching, one local malaysian doctor introduced me to "Synflex".. the mother of Panadol he calls it. And it is sold by pharmacies everywhere. I just hope I can find a Jerudong-ian pharmacy here that sells it. Guardian just can't be the ONLY pharmacy kan???

So, anyways.. sorry for digressing (I just can't control myself sometimes). Bought stationaries there and it was sad how Dayana was fighting for this BJ (Barney's friend) to be hers :( . Sian.. she wanted it so badly as she held it tightly, not willing to give it away. In the end, we had to lie to her that Daddy will pay for it and only then, did she give BJ to her daddy.

The exact replica of Me & Yum.

As I go through parts of Yayasan, I tried to retrace back the memories I made here during childhood..... but... they're all gone. I just can't seem to remember them. It's like at every part there, I'd go "I know I was here but... what was I doing?". So that being said, I feel sad that I just can't seem to retrieve them. How isit that remember Iran, Indonesia.. definitely Malaysia but only few bits of Brunei? But I will make more when I'm still here and breathing. I will make new memories.. thick ones that my 80 years-old self can label as "When I am in Brunei"

We then headed to JOLLIBEE for our dinner. And I think this is my first time eating here. So, sorry for being so.. sakai. I took quite a few pictures. LOL.. And like CC once said in her blog, the food is nice! the gravy! oh.. dear.. god! YUMNI WAS RIGHT! HAHAHA.

She seriously loves posing. A natural poser tah banar.
Seriously, take out a camera. She'll pose for ye!

The Jollibee Food!!!
Went home then and watched the opening ceremony.I wondered why Brunei was not there.. but then found out from Tgh and turned out, Brunei backed out!! it was announced on tv at the RTM kah.. not sure.. hee. OH WELL!!!
Had a chat with Yum and Mam (skajap saja). I miss you two :( so much...

Today... woke up on Adir's (Adriana & Irdina) bed and slept for a while again at my own bed. It was 6am and damn, the view from the room was breath-taking. 6am here, FYI, is too late for subuh already! HAHA.. at Msia it'd be around 7.10am where the sun begins to rise and where at Brunei, people should be in school. So yes, that is why I am still not used to waking up at 6 here. IT'S TOOOOOOOOOO EARLY!!!!!! everyone's asking me "Sudah ko adjust your life well sini??"

Woke up again (by the Super Pengacau Kaka.. haha) at 7am. Played for awhile with Dayana and at 8am headed off to take some passport photos at this Studio. And I only had to wait 2 minutes for my photos to get ready. ISN'T THAT EFFICIENT? Lovely! haha. And yeah, the pictures' are quite good... even though I look like some geek. "-___-

Went to MD to get all my forms settled. She said she's gonna fix me to a tutor group and a timetable. Yum, it's like BIS lagi yum. The whole system! It's like going back to school!!! :D:D haha.. So I can't wait for my timetable so that I can get my personal one done as well (haha.. yesssh, typical! i know you hate this Yum.. but it's good for time management and all :D ). Wee! MD, here I come on Monday!!

Went back home then and hung around with Dayana. I then thought of taking the old routine back in place again.. Strolling outside to the neigbours' home, arah Tua, Tgh Ghani & Tgh. So, I decided to take Dayana with me. And as I was telling my plan to the nanny, she was already heading to me and minta bekipak.. hahaha.. faham rupanya~ . And then, Dayana asked for her topi and selipar arah nanny .. and off we went to Tua.

The Natural Poser, Ka.

I decided to use the back way. But.. uhh... lots of changes.. and the gate berlock!! SINCE WHEN?? .. so I had to travel to the big gate.. and from there, I went to Tgh Ghani punya rumah with all the cats. AND OH DEAR GOD, BRUNEI PUNYA PANAS!!!! TERLALU PANAS!!! Dayana.. on my arms... on the other hand, were having quite a fun looking around the taman and cats there. Then, went through the gate connecting rumahnya and Tua's.. and payah kan cari awalnya.. haha.. quite new.. and went through Tua's back door.

I Salam Tua whom I have missed sooo dearly and Naqiyah who was so damn funny and was very welcoming with our presence there. Dayana, however, hid her face throughout the whole 1 hour I was there even though she requested so many of Naqiyyah's biscuits! hahaha.. Naqiyah grew fond of Dayana and before I went home, she was like "Tunggu tunggu, mau pigang bebi dulu... ah nyaman!! ah cute cute..." .. hahaha.. she's soooo sweeet! And I can bet she'd be a good sister to Ka Najwa's next one :) .

Then, I went back home and got a call from Tgh who wanted to take me to GIANT . I've never seen big ones of Giant in Msia before.. so it was a first... Yum, the place was as big as Tesco atau Carrefour. So isn't that good??? hahahaha. Dapat mama shopping kan??

Hehe, anyways, when I wanted to leave home that time masa Tgh mnunggu luar sudah.. I said goodbye to Dayana who was merajuk and made an angry voice. She stayed a few metres distance away from me and then, when I went outside .. she started to cry and was begging me to go with her :( ARGGHH!! I WANT TO LAIII!!!! nanti lah .. masa alai basar lagi k! and I left her there at home, feeling all sorts of guilt inside me. ARGH!!

eh siuk ambil ya eh!

Bought few stuff like tudungs.. and 27 Dresses. Eh gila kali.. ain't I just outdatedd???? HAhaha..

Tomorrow, there's a wedding to go.. A bruneian wedding.. i mean, duhh.. hahaha... should i go kah yum?? .. Anyways yum .. take a good rest! eh mama nipun ! HORRAY HORAY !! I MISS YOU MA!!! SANGAT2 !!! eh .. banartah.. our two little princesses jsut can't stop screaming!!!!! .. yum, ko tau napa tu?? masa ko tipun diorang still screaming atuu? they all had birthday parties dari skulah2 diorang. HAha.. yatah tu nah.. don't feed cakes to your children!!!!


Thursday 7 August 2008

Not Much.

Listening to Aly & AJ.
It's a Bruneian Friday, today.

Lol, I call it that 'cause the people here are on their weekend holiday. Being the religious country Brunei is, they allocate Fridays as the holiday instead of Saturday due to the prayers the boys have to attend to.

That's still something I have to get used to. Well, like Kaka said, I'll have to get used to EVERYTHING here. The kids are at their play/bedroom while I revise my year-long studies of Chemistry. I decided to do so before actually starting anything in MD so that my mind can be more prepared and set to work!

Am I supposed to wear the uniform tomorrow to MD? I mean she said I can only start on Monday as tomorrow I will only be able to hand her the forms etc and only by monday, can they finish proccessing these. Eekhs.

Okkie, take care everybody. =)

Wednesday 6 August 2008

The First MD Day.

Woke up at 5.45am. I didn't have much of a good sleep, probably I haven't really settled myself well here. No worries, in 3 weeks time.. I'll be brunei-ized. Haha. I rarely have breakfast but whenever I'm offered to join one.. I'd probably agree. Had tea, bread with Kaya jam and Kaka's mee. Headed off to shower... and then started posing with my new school uniform!! Abg mentioned how I looked very Bruneian. Hehe.. I feel so too!! Yum, the pictures not very good. Quite blurry. But I'll load it kajap ah. *edit* no, haha not today!

The first ride was to Sekolah Sunshine for my little Adriana. Wow... you should have seen how "macet" it was. Irdina was so sleepy that she started to whine a lot. So, I put her on my lap and let her rest on me as I gently tried to put her to sleep. It's really wierd. Haha, I feel like... with the uniform... I wasn't a "BungsuPijah" anymore but instead, someone more like a Big Sister. LOL. Then Abg Adi dropped me & Ka at the Admission block of MD. And there, we were told to wait for the Head (Still not used to admission officers talking to me in Bruneian... espeically the lecturers... Sounds so unusual rather.) It took her about 30 minutes to finally be able to see us.

So, me & Ka followed her to her office. And I gave her the letter about my "case". She gazed on it for a few minutes as Ka was eager to leave the office for her class. Then the question that I had feared to answer came out of her mouth: "Kenapa skulahmu di KL?"

And I guess... I GUESSS.. what I answered was "Kolejku tu BURUK".

There was a short moment of pause in that room and suddenly... after longing for someone to speak... she bursted out laughing. Oh shit.. wth did I say this time.

Then Ka, laughing aswell, reminded me again "Jah.. just speak english saja!"

I was still confused why everyone was laughing at what I said. So, I did as she told. And she became all serious again after listening to me. Then, I was sent to the Deputy Head for futher admission while Kaka left for her school. The DH said that I had to pay $50 fine for each subjects that I want to sit this october.

Damn, first day of school and I already got FINED. She also mentioned I can only start my classes on Monday.. Because they need the Admission Report & IGCSE results before entering and some forms to be filled in. Damn, I've already given those to MOE. Can't they ask from 'em??

So around 8am, I went out of the admission building (since I CAN'T attend classes yet!) and tried calling both Kaka & Abg. Adi. Their phones are again unable to be connected to. So, I called Papi and told him of the situation and the stuff needed to be faxed by tomorrow. Then, out of my expectation, far at the sight of my left eye... I saw someone sooo... sooo.. familiar. Right infront of the library, she was walking (not even close to "graciously" hahaha) with a book on her hand. She caught a glimpse of me as well. I was still on the phone atta time, so I couldn't concentrate much. Then, I saw her mouth going wider and WIDER and SO WIDEE that a baby monkey could fit in there. HAHAHA.. She came towards my direction. And oh.. my.. god.. IT IS HERR!! hahaha. YEAH, IT WAS ZIQQIE! .. Unbelievable. Finally! SOMEONE I KNOW!

She brought me along to this ELIT Staff Room and hung out with her friends. I was still making the effort to contact Kaka. Sadly, all was failed until around 8.45 that I called mum and asked her what to do. She called Abg Naj and told him to pick me up. Thank you ma! :) . I wasted $9 of credit on that. Can you believe thatt??

As Abg Naj reached the place, I was told to wait back at the Admission block. And on my way out, got to see Tharwana (ever since god-knows-how-long). As I waited there at the Adm. Block, students (we're talking about "MALE BRUNEIAN STUDENTS") are EVERYWHERE. Yum, seriously Yum.. there's a lot here that is of your type. Haha.. I was so shocked!

Friends in Msia, Sorry. No credit to reply to you guys.

To Med & Lutec, Thank you for the beautiful bag! Used it on the plane! Haha banyak spaceny gitu. Thanks! Nanti klo gw bkal k msia, i'll contact ye. Miss You Guys!!!


GoodBye, Malaysia.


My first new post here. Sorry, I've locked my previous blog. Reasons are kept confidential. I thought it'd be great to start a new post with my new life here in Brunei. Yes, Brunei. I am finally here. After 11 years and 7 months of being overseas, I'm home. I'M FINALLY HOME AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS OF LONGING TO LIVE HERE!

6th August.

The day seemed to have gone so quickly yet so long. Woke up at 7am to watch the beautiful sunrise for the last time from S. Brunei. I shall miss this house and the memories lying beneathe it. It's time to move on, I told myself.

I switched on my 3 days old Laptop and played with it till god-knows how long as I was unbothered with the whole packing this and that system. Consequently, ofcourse, my ears were dying to be cut off later by the destructive voice of mum. Many things didn't go as planned during the 1 hour prior to my leave to the airport. Some were:

- Yumni was not home yet.
- Lockpad had to be smashed
(as there were no keys to it. Stupid, ain't I?)
- Perfume placed in my handbag
(Liquids aren't allowed onboard anymore)
- Clothes were not completely put yet.
(Even *something* had to be stuffed into my laptop bag)

Arrived at the airport around 1pm. Got messages from friends. Thank You all. After taking care of the baggage, went with my dear parents and sister to have small lunch at the Food Garden. Food is very satisfying here. I wasn't supposed to eat (ye know, to leave a space for the RBA food) but Mum kept stuffing mer her Briyani. In the end, however, I gave in. "-___-

The K. Teaow .

Again, I missed the "premium lounge". It's my second time but then, it was good to not have entered and ate their food there (inspite how nice it is!!!). Argh, I guess the tickets going there is just for a museum show. So Mami, Papi & Yum sent me till the gate. I could never express how sad I am to leave them because when it all happened, it seemed to be like a milisecond long that I had no time to say how much I'd miss them or even love them. *sigh* but they know it ofcourse. Oh Kwkw... I miss you already. Just don't treat me differently.

The View from the AeroTrain. Sorry, I took it when it was about to move.

As I entered the airplane, the steward pointed my seat at the K02. God Damn it. Am I the only kid here? Haha, you should have seen all these people whose age are atleast 50. No wonder they're staring at me like "what the HELL are you doing here??". Even the stewardess who served me throughout the journey had the same look. Menu was given and I told her my orders.

Goodbye, Msia!

Above the Clouds

The first meal came, and for this... I ordered Hot Chocolate (Nyam!). And in addition, the rest of the class' passengers got peanuts.. except for.. well... ME!?!?!?!?!! You know what they gave me:

OREO! WTH?? I didn't even open it. Ha ha.


Yum, you should know ... "Made in Honour" was on the personal TV thing here. So I watched it... tapi only for a while! Sound systemnya was so buruk! So I gave up.

Patrick Dempsey

I needed to keep mind off from thinking of you guys so I tried different channels. In the end, I gave up and slept the whole ride off. The food, btw, was ok lahh.. My first choice was Steak and Mushroom Pie (Nyam!) BUTTT.. the old man infront of me got it first so I was given no choice to have the Satay and Nasi Impit. Oh well... Not my kind lahh because I know theirs are not as good as Sate Kajang's! Haha. I couldn't finish it off :( . But what I managed to finish off (though not completely) was.. THE CREME BULE!! NYAM! lol I'd rate it 7/10 .



So, overall the journey was fine. We came earlier than the ETA which was 4.40pm. Being the first one out, had to rush to the imigration and give the lady my passport.. Waited for 5 seconds. "Bah, boleh tah masuk" said she. It turned out.. she's been saying that for the past 5 secs.. haha, being the brunei-blur I am... my brain just couldn't interpret it yet. I made a smile. It was 4.42pm (Damn, I'm QUICK!). I rushed off to the baggage claim. AND GUESS WHAT? I HAD TO RUN TO BE IN TIME TO IT BEFORE MY BAGGAGE MADE ITS 2nd journey! MY GOD, THIS IS TOO QUICK!! THANK GOD I GOT TO IT EARLY!

The first glimpse of Brunei.

Went out to the "meeting point". Shit. No signs of the little heroines and Ka & Abg. Adi. So I was pushing the trolley from one end to the other. 15 minutes passed as it was 5pm. I began to panic a little.. Could something have happened to them?? So, convinced that there isn't any other way, I saw a happy family.. and interupted them to borrow the Mother's phone. Damn, it was so awkward. In the end she let me do so but later when I finished trying to call my sis (all failed btw), she asked me series of questions. Yes, I lived in KL and yes, I am a Bruneian but you know, not living here for nearly 12 years just give me a hard time talking to you here. Ha Ha.

Walked again to the center, when I finally thought of getting a cab (Is there even a cab here??). But waita... YAY! Found Abg Adi at last!!! Thamk God! Thought I'd get lost and be sold as slave (???). He led me to the car with my nieces dumbfounded to see my appearance. Yes, girls. You are my new housemates. They're still not used to the fact that I'm NOT NOT NOT NOTTTTTTTTTT here for HOLIDAY. But to live. you know?? To move on. Meaning, I will not catch another plane in 2-3 weeks etc because, well... IT ISN'T A HOLIDAY.... Okay, mayb, it's me who can't take it all in just yet.

IT'S ALL HARD TO BELIEVEEE!!! And really.. very very very UNUSUAL.

I went to Hypermarket (or isit Hypermart??) and was so happy to see it was full of bruneians. Even the lady at the Guardian asked me in Bruneian. Haaah, so proud.

Went home then and packed all my stuff and convert Abg Aiman's room into My room. Kaka was trying hard to make it girly WITH ALL THE JUNK STUFF HE KEEPS IN THE DRAWERS. My stuff will be coming in one month time probably. So by then, it WILL be girly. Hehe... Then, Abg Najdi's family came along with Tgh. Anah.

Reunion with the Najs!!! Hehe NAJMA CALII BANARR!! And sooo viciouss!! And it was good seeing Ka Nazirah.. Haven't seen her for 1 year. Had lovely chat with all of them while I bullied the Najma.. hahaha..
Went to bed early that night. 10.30pm. I slept with the kids. I wanted to go online to chat with Kwkw. But sadly, I was too tired and rested my eyes till dawn came.