Monday 30 August 2010

Jah! What's up with your life?

Since it's the 31st of August, I think I ought to summarise how life had been like during the month.

(a) I am finally recovered from a rather painful break-up.
Yes, it's not a surprise anymore and I shouldn't try to hide it any longer since there would not be any use to that. Don't worry, no suicidal 'cause that'd be just plain EW. Maybe depression. Ok fine, definitely depression but i'm hoping that's not somthing unusual in this case? You know, I am the type of person who find little things, like crying over a person, very silly. I am like one of those people who easily find things very cheesy or lame. Like giving hugs... I find that hard, extremely hard except (ofcourse) to a group people I feel comfortable with. Others, I may just push them away (literally) and I would always try avoid giving any... or accepting, in that matter :\ . So anyways, never thought I could actually be unFaezah-ish over a person. Oh well, he was... very special anyway. No suprises there either.

(b) My studies have degraded.
Like literally. I studied very last-minutely. It's crazy! >__< . Instead of trying to get into it, I AVOID IT. Like seriously. I play with MY (Syazwan's) Guitar. I CROCHET! I go FACEBOOK (80% of the time). I watch SCRUBS. I CHAT (but not so much). I do ANYTHING but studying! Seriously. Even it means having to stare into spaces to prevent myself from eyeing a textbook. For my HUBS' (Human Body System) exam, I only studied during sahur and the night before. Crazy bah, didn't even manage to finish everything in the end. For my HEAL's (Epidemiology) exam, I studied a day and half prior to it (better tho). That said, my grades and hence, my reputation (like they say, has there been any?) degraded. Now, HUBS... I got 72% (18/25) . HEAL... 81% (12/15) . Which all really only represented the average point. But I deserve it... and I am thankful I still get those marks. I seriously thought I'd get worst.

But like I said! I've recovered and now I'm gonna focus, focus, focus. Even made a COLOURFUL motivational paper =) that I have yet to publicise. hagagagaga~ eggcited for studies, I am.

(c) Puasa.
Yes, Ramadhan had once again arrived. And it makes me all the more home-sick. I miss my parents and my family. I call my parents less these days since I know my mum would be busy. She always is whenever I call... either that or just plain exhausted. so yeah, I just don't feel comfortable disturbing her :( . My mum always made the greatest bandung ever. Seriously, I'd drink the whole jug every day of the previous years. if only I had known that I'd be stuck under the globe. And it was always like this: Wake up sahur, everyone bangas but on the dining table we'd all cheer ourselves by silly jokes/remarks and just by being together. Now that's... a family :) and hence, I love Ramadhan so much. Here, however... is a lot different than I thought but I'm still glad I have friends to fast with and to care for and be cared of.

(d) Crochet Club.
Yes yes yes, last Wed... we were forced to join the CC. I was quite enthusiastic about it... lol I couldn't stop laughing at how reluctant the others were to get involved during the first 30-45 minutes of it. because the starting was really super-duperly complicated. You could be literally tying your fingers altogether with it. Hahaha.. it was just so funny how Lina (si Ballerina) and Peah (Peapots) were about to escape with the Toilet excuse! but they felt sorry for Jack (our RA) who gave all the sad speech that they eventually gave in. Lem Chop (masak kari, ditumis dengan bawang), aka Halimah Alias, showed her frustation by actually screaming like a madman. Hahahahahaha.. okay, i'm not being lame T_T . it looks funnier than it sounds! oh my god, these 2 scenes just keep replaying over and over again in my head. I had fun laughing.

Anyways, once you're over the difficult starting part... the addiction then kicks it. Seriously, you wouldn't stop going all "Round the back-Get into hole-Round the back-Get into loops-Round the back-Round the back-Round the back-Round the back-Round the back.." and that's when you'd endlessly be crocheting with your hats till it haunts you.... haunts you, sleeping or not.... that you literally wake up with your hands in the ai-- ok fine, it's not that obsessive. but seriously, the others had finished their hats in what? 2-3 days? Lina's done w/ hers. Lem Chop and Peapots as well. And I just might need another day or two (since I've been busier........... w scrubs) so yea... it's been fun.

Lem Chop, Farah, and the Rapis--- I mean, Jack/Lost Convict (what with his new motorbike look)

Linzy & Peapots w/ Olly (another RA/Jack's GF). Lina's baret is just pretty. I envy~

And this is how far I got to..... haha nah, I'm kidding, mine's nearly done. ehehe.

And yes, we are all now certified to live and become grand-mas... what with our knitting tools and crocheting skills. Who wouldn't want us to be their old wife/grandma now ae? ;)

(e) AGM (Annual General Meeting)
This was a weekend ago or two. It's to elect the execs that will be representing BSA (Brunei Student Associatinon) of NZ next year. And yea, had great food on that day as well as Terawih Prayer (which is relatively a well done). Chian Mei will be the President and her partner in crime, Yi Huey, will be the VP as well as Sasa. The first year included in the execs are Peah (Peapots) who was elected as Secretary, Dibzy (Dibah) as IT Officer and I as PRO (Public Relation Officer). Seriously, I don't know how good I'll be as a PRO but I certainly want to give it a try. Who knows what good it can bring me? Hopefully I can gain a lot of experiences from it :) . Congratulations anyway to everyone :DD !

(f) Going broke.
Okay, I should be thankful for how much money I have left. But cutting off the "possible" medical expenses that I may need to invest, I might just be off to a broke. This month I have spent over 600++ ... Okay fine half of it is for important purposes but the other half? I need to start saving up T____T . but I seriously HAVE been trying to :( . Will do better, insyaAllah.

(g) On a mid-sem break.
Mid-sem break just started two days ago. but for me, it'd be terday. Since I just got off First Aid Course that took away my full-time weekend. Not regretting anything tho :) . Anyways, I don't know what to expect for this break, maybe just a movie out with LemChop & Dibzy. Inception, perhaps. We were about to go last night... but it was raining so... that sucked. Instead, (thanks to Ballerina & Farah) we went for BubbleTea (Chopstik's) & McD ! "-____________- Nyaman hantap plg... nganya ya lah... fatness much? imma hook up w the gym man (setahi.... brabis "-_-)

Will take my time off to get myself in order and start studying for BIOC (Biochem). Exam's next week... Gulp Gulp GULPS, says my throat.

(h) Decided to go single permanently.
I was given the chance to NOT to. And I escaped, being the old REAL Faezah. I guess, I am not ready and I usually am a coward anyway and was never cut out for it. Maybe someday... but not today. not this year. or years...

(i) First Aid Course.
Like I said, took the whole 2 days of my precious weekend but still enjoyed it immensely. Lots of experiences and most importantly, knowledge... essential knowledge, gained from it. Hopefully, I can apply it to good use should any events occured in my presence (ceeeh~)

(j) SCRUBS Mania.
Enough said.

(k) Spring.
Final one... maybe. Spring arrived. I think it was official on last Thurs and has been named as the Daffodil's Day. Leaves and flowers have been blooming from their branches. It's been pretty :) and daffodils were seen everywhere. and day by day, it's getting warmer except when it gets rainy :( Nevertheless, it's nice to know that I won't have to worry much about layers anymore......... maybe. Hopefully, it'd be a pretty season this year :)

(l) Menstrual Cycle, impress me please.
Seriously. I'm just not getting it anymore. It's not following the schedule. Pfft. I was so so so so so sure it started two nights ago... but no, nayyy-da the next time rounds of check. and last night, again '=___________________= . stressed maybe? I sure hope not.

Anyways, it's 2.03am. I've got an Immunisation Check in the morning. Yawn... and as been said, it has indeed been a good month :)

Love Life,
Love Everyone.

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