Wednesday 4 August 2010

Catching up.

Time, for the love of god, will you just slow down T___T !!.. as it is, i'm having a hard time trying to catch up w/ you. i need more time... i need peace... i am feeling gahgahgahgah... as well as the need to re-invent myself as a whole. help, anyone? lol. one thing why i CANNOT be helped is because complaining is such a trouble for me ;( , and that includes my feelings as well. i just don't seem to let out things from my heart..... even when i do, it's so hard for me. like it needs double muscular force on my mouth or smfing.

maybe that's why i feel like i'm such a dishonest person. i really.. need... help :( . there was one bucket i used to throw everything within myself into (metaphorically) but now, with the bucket gone.... i am terribly lost. terribly terribly. lol (yes, i tend to unreasonably smile or laugh when i express my sadness... it's stupid!!)

it's all in the past now, i guess :) . so i MUST be strong. this is just NOT me. O Allah, Help me. Help me be a strong, independant woman.

3 days ago was a happy day fr me. Altho it began literally rainy that day, I was cheered up when I chased after a Courier Post Van that was heading towards Cumby. Just as soon as he chucked all the parcels and mails out, I took mine one and began sincerely smiling throughout the whole day. And it's so pweeeety !! And i love it! And i've been using it! I just hope i'll continually be a commited & loving owner.

Loooooookieee, my nameee :) ... the parcel was seriously light that i thought about being cheated by the seller. suspicion already grew when it came a day late, anyway T__T .

Haha, but my initial thot was wrong ofcourse. the seller purposely put it in a much bigger package so that she can add in some bubble wrappers for safety purposes. how caring :)

See how small it is compared to its parcel !!! it's soo cutee!! hahaa i think the item would be getting more obvious by now!

Ooofffhh, tooo obvious now ! LOL ! By now, i was already jumping in joy!

Yaaayyyy !! Seeee ! It's the newest iPod Nano !! wooot woot 5th generation, purple coloured! I loveee!

It was brand new. And I confirmed it by opening the "apple" sealer. The waranty card and other accesorries were also included!

I think it's safe to say now that TradeMe has proven its efficiency :) but I musn't be too careless (as I naturally am) and gullible about the person I trade with. It's better to make sure you have your utmost trust in them rather than judging by their pretty pretty things!

Purple cannot be seen very clearly but it verily is! hehehe.. i love my purple iPod!

Attached to my laptop! Love my NAKED iPod :DD !

And yeah, that afternoon, I terus bought a casing for it and a screen protection. I'm very slippy when it comes to gadgets. They just tend to fall off everytime, I don't understand "-_- lol . Costed me $35 in total. Atu baru yaa~ kapih tarus! Should have just bought one online! Gah! But yeah, it was an emergency case. i REALLY need to use my iPod :P .


I love the whole Cover Flow system.

And this is the back cover, with the video camera at the side!

Very messy... I know. This was taken this morning when I decided to study and had enough of fooling around. Seriously. You see that apple over there?

I don't understand why I arranged it this way. 0_O Wait, I don't understand why I even have the apple in the first place !! It's been there for a week now. Lol. Ah yes, it's that grabbing-fruits-is-already-part-of-a-healthy-life thing that I have going on as a mind set. Hahaha... Everytime I take a banana, I never eat them... I just let them ripe in my bedroom until it smells that I throw them away. Same concept w/ apples. "-______-

But my brain is tricked... so i guess it's worth it :P


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