Sunday 5 September 2010

happiest :D ! / Earthquake / Bad Weather

Despite the "shaking" news about the major earthquake that hit Christchurch, 4.30am yesterday (most damaging since 1933), I have never been this happiest and actually feel THIS good about myself. I am not heartless, mind you. haha, it isn't the tragic event that made me feel so high. it's the amazingly wonderful internet connection that's working so well that i skyped almost 5 hours with my parents :) thankk-kyu-kyu-kyuuuu connection at my parent's computer! My daddy and mummy are the cutest! :)

Anyways, regarding the earthquake, it was 7.4 on the richter scale and alot of buildings were damaged around Chrch. All the seniors are safe tho, thank god. And I thank Allah that we didn't get much impact (4.0-5.0) although we did get some scary shakes. Like seriously, I've only been hit by an earthquake once in my life and that was just a minor one (like it only gets to shake your booty and nothing more). So yeah, I was NOT expecting it and I was smart enough (sarcasm) to be sleeping so late at 4am (30 minutes before the event) and when it hit 4.30... my dream just somehow evolved into me bouncing up and down on my bed as I lay there with my eyes closed. And with that, my heart rate increased to a number I dont think it has ever reached before (except when I hyperventilate) since I thot I was being disturbed by the unseen. And when I peeked to see, I was still bouncing on my bed... and with that, I just closed my eyes and tried to ignore everything. And then, I could suddenly hear everyone leaving their rooms. "Omg-- you guys have it too? my bed's bouncing? WHAT's GOING ON???"

As soon as I heard the last bit, WITHOUT EVEN GIVING THE CHANCE FOR MY BRAIN TO TURN ON COMPLETELY, I ran outside and saw the fear in their faces. And I was still confused about everything. Like, seriously... I thot I was still in a dream and with my heart rate up high, I was shaking madly. Remember when people say DON'T ever think about trying to give a shock or a scare to those who are sleeping as it may give them heart attack? Well, I experienced alot of it but not as BAD as that one. It shocked me to the core. Waking up like that, bouncing up and down, with a sudden jolt, is just so.... scary you know?

Luckily I was on skype with Yum and she saw everything, the bouncing and stuff. When I explained it to her, she calmed me down and I am grateful for that. Love you, Yum! She told me everything's alright... So I went back to sleep... which actually took a while since I needed to calm my heart down first. In the midst of it though, I felt the same bouncing motion again and it was quite terrible and shocking that I woke up with a jolt again! Ya Allah!! And I looked to see if Yum saw it, and thought that maybe it was just me, all traumatic. Turned out, hahahaha, it was a real one bt only happened fr seconds. Frightening experience but how about those at the centre of the earthquake? they must have a lot more frightful stories to share... :(

Weather's terrible. Still is. It was the windiest today. Kesian si LemChop :( since her room is very fragile. Her window shatters so very easily and her door as well so it gets kind of creepy whenever it's windy and just worst when it's the windiest. Oh well, and at Sasa's place, the branch to her tree fell off with a loud smack... kyaa.. must have been scary! Overall, nature is getting all fidgety with us :(

InsyaAllah smuanya akan baik2.

My fcbook: "Tomorrow begins the 2nd half of our LAST semester. Im scared to be honest because the first half didn't go well: I was lazy and unfocused. So I pray to Allah that this will not repeat itself and that once I'm all done with it and ready to go to Brunei, the hardwork is paid for. Ya Allah, mudah2an smuanya akn berjalan dgn lancar dan hambaMu ini tidak akan melupakanMu untuk berjaya, di akhirat dan di dunia. Amin Amin. Let's do this!!!!!"

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