Saturday 22 May 2010

Weekend here!


Aaaaahhh~ it's so nice to be finally relaxing on a Sunday morning ;) . The week had come to its busy end (what with practicals, studies and lectures) and I can finally forget (for a while) about HUBS ! We had it in the morning yesterday and I found the paper to have been "okay" . I really can't comment much about it but I am pretty sure its result will not be a 100% :P ehehe but really, it was okay Alhamdulillah, considering the fact that I didn't have much time to study it last week. Aside that, I was the last one to be out of the St.Davids theatre because I failed to leave my answer sheet un-vandalised. huhu. lol so i was told to stay behind and erase it all out. Atleast the inviligators cared that much :)

When I left the building, I spotted a lot of people in their graduation outfits taking pictures with their proud family infront of the clock tower. And on my way running back home then, I managed to see a bruneian family with a Tudung girl in her baju kurung (under her graduation outfit) having their pictures taken. I slowed my pace to look at them and the guy next to her, whom I realised was holding some flowers, then waved his hand at my direction.

I was a bit confused as to who he was waving at and realised, after so much of hand communication, that it was me! Haha.. and when i went to them, it turned out to be Mujib, my very very old senior (in his 7th year). He was there to accompany her friend's (the tudung girl) graduation. I talked to the mother for a while and after happily interacting with bruneian people, I ran again to where my friends were.

After having lunch at cumby (which was only pie & salad) and sembahyang Zuhur, we headed off to the PHP Fair. And on our way, we managed to watch the graduation ceremony! And in Otago, the graduation ceremony is considered very special as the people march around the town with their respective families, like some sort of parade.

And in an instance, everyone even passer bys would know of their efforts in completing their uni years. And I think that's awesome. And it really was touching to seem them walking with everyone cheering and congratulating them from the side streets. I was close to tears ;) The bruneian family was there and I waved at them and they smiled back. Lol, congratulations to that girl whom I think is named as Syazwani.

We continued then to our main destination, PHP Fair. And it was alot of fun :D .. Had brownies which I tapau-ed to eat with McD Sundae (later that afternoon) , had Elmo drawn on my face and played a lot of games :D fun fun fun. a lot of seniors were there but didn't interact much with 'em. When shopping for clothes then and spent $35. finally got to buy a warm long-sleeved outfit. i just need to have a rain-jacket next. but ooo it costs so much $________$ . $70 to be precised. so have to seeee first.
So yeah, yesterday finally get to have some breaks and as for today? I don't know. So far, it's only been breakfast and blog. lol may just as well stay home and rest today. watch movie maybe? i don't know. huhu. if i'm in brunei, i would be taking my time bullying my nieces at such boring moment :'( ..

and oh yeah, i woke up from a nightmare (not sure, really) but it made me cry until my eyes are all swollen up. chat me up if you wish to know :)) !

Love Life, Love Everyone!

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