Wednesday 28 April 2010

central library

currently at the central lib. with Lem at the next slot to mine. today was a fine. Woke up from a terrible sleep as my whole body ached but the morning blues dissapeared when i had the nicest breakfast anyone can ever have: vita oats, which i got from Mah. Thx, Mah! It's just like vita nestum but BETTER! Mwahaha ... And in my food-storage, i have so stock left and i'm not sharing! Mwahaha.

Speaking of food, my indomee completely ran out. I'm having a hard time surviving already for the past few days. Lol. and i fell in love with indomee goreng PEDAS which is packed with red-coloured wrappings instead of the usual one? You may think it would be spicy but it ain't at all! I mean come on! Who can be more of a spicy-phobic than i am? hence, def recommended. Need. To. Buy. Them

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Cold Nights...


It’s 9pm and I’m already falling asleep. Noooo~ Come on Jah! Your CHEM 191’s notes await you. Sleeping can be done later. Oh what am i saying... before I know it, my laptop wil be flooded by all the saliva “-__- (so unwoman)

I felt the day to have been unlucky and many signs, besides feelings, could back me up on this one. For instance, about 3 minutes after I placed myself at the private study slot, my lamp suddenly went dead and it was only mine among other slots in the corridor that encountered this “-_- .
Another example? I ran to get a drink at the vending machine since I realised I left my water back at Cumby (I love water T___T ). The previous guy who had been using the machine left his drink in it. And when I coined in for my water, the bottle pushed his energy drink to be popped out of the machine. So instead, I achieved HIS energy drink instead of the mineral water which I needed oh so desperately and is now stuck inside the machine.

Refusing to take out another $2 just for it, I went back and continued revising after sipping some water from the fountain. I still prefer it bottled though T__T since it can be used for days.

*sigh, even the weather was not in the mood. Terrible weather, today. It was so windy that I thought I was about to be lifted by the force of it. The weather has been getting stronger. Winter is definitely and my clothes are not enough. Getting the huge coat, as I found out this afternoon, will cost me $70 . Ohhh moneeeeeyyy $___________$ . I better call Mum first... I already know what her answer would be but.... sometimes asking for a person’s opinion, how indifferent it may be, is just a matter of listening better to our own opinion.

I don’t know how much of a good friend I am here but I try to be, anyway. I do feel I’ve given the wrong image to some but that never bothered me anyway. I know myself best. And I am happy with them, nevertheless. I mean, they are my family here and being a little too sloppy and careless, i may have to rely on them that more. I don’t know how many times have each of them helped me in so many different situations that I appreciate very much of esp the Limah 2x . Hahaha.

I am happy even more that I am not as EXTREMELY careless as I so think. Alhamdulillah. Seriously, when one knows me throughout my stay in Brunei or my life basically, one should know how completely careless I was everyweek or day even. My family knows best.

Ah yea, this Sat, after our Chem Exam during the morning, will be our BSA Movie Night (only for Bruneians) which will be held at the OUSA (5 minutes walk). Yay, I really hope it’d be worth the whole hard-work in getting through our studies for Chem AND Physics. Hehe.

Time to study!!!

Be Happy, regardless of your situation.

Monday 26 April 2010

PHSI 191 MID-SEM EXAM IS DONE WITH! Haha i can finally relax (for a few short hours) before I start thinking about CHEM 191 EXAM which is held at the end of this week. Huuuhhh, definitely can’t wait for June (18th June precisely) by which my exams will all be finished and what awaits us then would only be our ONE month break! :D

We have some plans going on for the break. Firstly, being in Cumby totally deserted (since everyone would be leaving for their homes) gives us so many privileges!! And to not be thinking of anything, I can enjoy my holiday soooo much moreeee! Perhaps i’ll start playing the piano regularly downstairs. Love the music room :) !

Then, we will (MUST MUST MUST!!) sight-see more of the city that we’ve been in. And i will, insyaAllah, get a chance to check my hand at the hospital in Christchurch since that is the closest hospital that provides micro-surgery from Dunedin. Ya Allah, mudah2an semuanya akan berjalan lancar dengan tangan ku ani. Sembuhkan lah tanganku ini, Ya Allah. Amin Ya Robbal Alamin.

Today, Lim & I studied at the Central Library. By far, it is the best library I’ve ever been to. The private study place is just amazing. I shall have photo-sessions of this library (and maybe the Science Library and other places as well) to let myself acknowledge and appreciate better of the beautiful Uni I’ve been studying at.

Lectures were okay as usual. Ironically, I didn’t fell asleep in any of it (I think) except for a few seconds in HUBS. The only thing that maximised my awareness during that lecture was when the lecture talked about Parkinson’s Disease, one of the diseases I’ve been interested about. Coicidentally I just bought Michael J Fox’s book regarding his life experience handling this disease. I haven’t read much but will do so maybe after CHEM’s exam. So far? Interesting.

After the exam, we actually planned to construct another dance but this time to the song, Jai Ho. This time, the guest star would be Zurin’s (if you know what i mean ;D ) since she laughed at us during breakfast when we were discussing about Ms. Lim’s being the guest star at our previous song: Train’s Hey Soul Sister !! HAHA, I think we indirectly ruined the song for the people who watched it. I found it entertaining, nevertheless :D . It’d be fun if we do another one some day.
And I should say that Dibah and Lim can seriouly dance! Pffffffft! Hahaha.

Putting that aside, I miss my family back in Brunei. I miss Allahyarham Abang. I think of him everyday. Learning about the nervous system or the whole fuctions of that brain in such GREAT detail sometimes put me to tears in the middle of the lecture and the excuse I give? “Oh, I’m just soo sleepy.” It reminds me that much of you, Bang. And when I do, I pray for you in my heart that you’re all well where ever you are. You’ve been a great big brother for the past 18 years and few months of my life and forgetting about you will be the last thing I ever do in this world. And once I prayed, I feel better and focused back to the lecture. It’s true when they say “grieving is not a way to reminisce your love one. Praying for them is.”



Blog Re-opened.

I’ve been having some thought about re-opening my public blog. Maybe this can be a good start? And if this works out well (ie. updating it regularly), then i may publicise it. I had to shut it down about more than a year ago since I find a few of the things that I’ve written was a little too private and that everyone (that i care) pratically knew what my life was up to?

Since I haven’t been much active in facebook either, I thought maybe I can communicate with the other side of the world through my writings (my old-time passion). That is if they are ever interested in my doings & life over here.

Erm, well what’s up with me now? I’m in NZ, taking Health Sciences First Year as the First Year to MBBS (Medicine). I’m sorry I couldn’t inform everyone about it since the whole preparation was terribly chaotic. I was only awarded the day before I left Brunei (Can you imagine?). Before that, it was only a maybe? Especially since my result (among other millions of problems that arised in 2009) for Chem was INVALID (X) temporarily. Only the last week I was in Brunei was I notified of the correct result and Alhamdulillah, it was more than satisfactory =) especially considering the pain I went through 2009. So Alhamdulillah, with Allah’s Blessings, I’m doing the degree I have been most passionate in and doing it in a country that provides proffesional teaching and is environmentally green with heaps of friendly/smiley people. Alhamdulillah.
So far, life is still busy like hell. Infact, I’m studying (supposedly, really) for my PHSI 191 paper tmr which will be held during night time (7-8pm). Talk about bad timing! I really hope to start loving the paper (subject) ASAP to enhance my motivation in going through it but I can’t just yet. One day, insyaAllah.
I’ll be glad once it’s done. CHEM 191 will be on Sat tho. When will these exams be over! Huhu. COME ON JAH! SEMANGAT!! Remember the words that have been said by all your loved ones! SEMANGAT.
Ya Allah, please guide me towards the right path. Amin Ya Robbal Alamin.
Cheers, Everyone!