Saturday 21 March 2009

the world currently

I know i've literally killed this blog 3 months ago. haha. but recently, i've been having the thot of reviving it up again. not fr the purpose of being glamourous or any of that sort of sh*t. i just wanna prove to myself or to anyone infact... that by bringing this blog up again, i am capable of standing up to whatever happens instead of running away. if... you kno what i mean ;) .

Haha.. honestly, I'm not comfortable posting publically anymore. I find that privacy is just what I need these days but I realised... asking for privacy drives me away from my friends around the globe. It sorts of cause me to be socially inactive. I'm dead in Friendster... in coma in Facebook and half-alive in MSN. Hahaha.

Forgive me. I didn't mean to ignore any of my friends (including rah MD now). It's just that... catching up with you all is just so heavy for me. I admit, it is.. and I was wrong to have promised a part-time service to some of you on the internet. It's just so.. heavy 'cause I have to pile u all up with my current friends and be busy with altoghether. Plus, with the school works stuffing my hand, i'm just... really... antah. it all pushed me to give up in the end and just become inactive or tapis-ed girl. haha pakannn? lurus kah tu. haha.

anyways, 3 months are just too much to cramp up in a post so i'll stop here. but here's an update of my life: holiday from the new Katok school; alone at home; BM & Bio exams coming up; and...... him :)

Zainul Akhir.... Kerbau Ku !!!!!!! heeeeee...

oh ya, maybe ahh m gona start writing dlm malayyy beginning my next post. it's not that i've been feeling so cool using english here or even 80% of my life. i dont think i even want to!! it's just... payah bah bagiku.. my malay is an embarassment! so that's why masih a "maybe".. haha. and if you don't get it, live my life and you'll understand this lil bit pain of mine........

PS. Malas banaaa ku kn men-edit layoutnya ani.. haha.. nanti tah! biar tia bidaaa . Oh and if i've been such an ass for not replying in MSN or Facebook, really2 sorry. hehe... just don't announce my death...... yet ;)